QIC:  Kleenex

Temp: 72 degrees; Humidity: 148%

On 7/17/77 I was born. (Yes, 7 is my favorite number!) I didn’t choose it, it chose me. But inevitably, I will be 40. Turning 40 used to seem OLD! I mean, according to “The Good Book” it’s technically the “halfway” point! (See Ps.90:10). So why not come out of the tunnel, and make the Second Half the best half?! Right?!! Who’s with me!!

Apparently 6 other men were! Because at 5:30am, on the square and in the gloom, they dared to show up for today’s AO! And in keeping in line with “The Good Book”, I pushed and tried these men! **(40 appears so often in contexts dealing with testing, many call it the number of “trial.” (See Genesis 7:12) (Exodus 24:18) (Deut.8:2-5; Deut.9:18,25; Deut.25:3) (Judges 13:1) (1 Samuel 17:16) (1 Kings 19:8) & (Matt 4:2) (Acts 1:3; 7:30)

I ran them. I made them do sets of 40 at a time. I required they do exercises until exhaustion, but they kept up and pressed on!

They proved to be test-worthy and trustworthy! Again, in keeping with “The Good Book” these men “finished” strong and demonstrated that with 7 Men, together we will “complete” the task!
**(7 is used in the Bible more than 700 times, so it seems that God in His Word is communicating completeness, perfection, and wholeness by means of 7.)

By the end, we knew we had been tested and tried, and together we finished to the best of our ability! Appropo, we ended with (and felt like) “Superman” as we knew we had overcome. Another workout down, yet the race is not over!

So, I extend a challenge: here’s to seeing the “Magnificent 7”, as well as you fartsackers, on Saturday for the “300”! I triple dog dare ya! (Oh wait, don’t get me started on the number 3!!!)

Disclaimer/warm up
SSH x40 IC
LBCs x40IC
20 HighKnees fol/by 20 BUTT Kickers =40 IC
Arm Circles 20/fwd x 20/rev =40 IC

These will “MAIM” the lame:
Merkin x40 OYO
Alt-Toe-Touches x40 IC
Imperials x40 IC
Monkey-Humpers x40 OYO

Lite-Run to GFES: (0.5mi)
10 Burpees at Entrance

To Brick Bleachers:
Step ups / Box Jumps x40
Dips / Derkins x40

Mosey to Pull-Up Bar:
Over-Grip Wide (AMRAP)
Squats (AMRAP)
Under-Grip Narrow (AMRAP)
Squats (AMRAP)

Mosey back to Entrance:
5 Burpees

Lite-Run to Mackie: (0.5mi)
Half-Way: American Hammers x40 OYO

At Parking Lot of Mackie Furn:
Bear Crawl 40′ return
Plank (wideleg)
Bear Crawl 40′ return
Tempo Merkins 10x IC SLOW

On Your 6:
Freddie Mercury’s x20
RBCs x20
Reverse Crab x20
Dying Cockroaches x20
Superman (hold for 40count)

Prayers for:
BANDCAMP: Trudell’s Family – loss, cousin around mid-30s overdosed
TURD-HURDER: For the New Youth at Church Camp, to receive Jesus
BOGEY: Diane with Finishing Business Degree in May2018
TWIG: Udder Butter and team of 90 locally on Mission Trip in Lumberton,NC
PAULA-DEEN/BANJO: Davis family – loss, accident father ran over 2yr old son

2Tim2:15 – A.W.A.N.A.
Exegesis vs. Eisegesis

: “Present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”

As we push our bodies with F3, as we strive to improve, we do so to be found approved of the task. First approved, then to Improve.
An honest student of the Bible will be an exegete, allowing the text to speak for itself. 2 Timothy 2:15 commands us to use Exegetical methods, as Eisegesis easily lends itself to error (as the would-be interpreter attempts to align the text with his own preconceived notions). Exegesis allows us to agree with the Bible; eisegesis seeks to force the Bible to agree with us.

The process of Exegesis involves:
1) what does the passage say?
2) what does the passage mean?
3) how does the passage relate to the rest of the Bible?
4) how should this passage affect my life?

Eisegesis involves no examination of the words of the text or their relationship to each other, no cross-referencing with related passages, and no real desire to understand the actual meaning. (Scripture serves only as a prop to the interpreter’s idea.)

Exegesis will require more time than Eisegesis, but if we are to be those unashamed workmen “who correctly handle the word of truth,” then we must take the time to truly understand the text. Exegesis is the only way.





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