QIC:  Udder Butter

YHC had the honor of leading some of the great men of GF on a July 4th Celebration Hurler. YHC knew some regulars were working out at the beach this week (yea, right).  The start time for today was moved to 6:30 am to grant everyone an extra hour of fartsacking.  After all, it is a national holiday.  Perhaps the time change was why very few showed up.  Let’s go with that since I’m sure there was no fartsacking going on in GF.  Here is what three Patriots did to honor our special day of Freedom;

Warmups: x 13 IC each (13= Original Colony # of course)

Bunker Hill climbers
Continental Army Crunches (IST)
Hancock arm circles F & R (largest signature= Large arm circles)
Battle Humpies of Republic (yea I know that was a Civil War song, but my daughter thought it up)

Mosey to bank back parking lot hill

13 s (at bottom start with one Paul Reveres and then 12 British Are Coming Burpees at the top).  One exercise climbs while the other decreases and they always total 13).
Paul Reveres (Freddy Mercuries ) 4 ct
British Are Coming Burpees

There were 56 original signees to the Declaration of Independence (so we do 28 reps each exercise  x 2 sets each)

  • Francis Scott Key Curls
  • Betsy Ross Benches
  • Thomas Jefferson Triceps (first set as skull crushers- second set as behind head OH presses)


In 1776 our founding fathers all signed a document putting their necks on the line by stating they agreed we wanted our freedom) 76 Total Reps (19 each x 4 exercises).  Do an exercise, and then the second exercise below is a ‘transition’ across the parking lot and back before the next exercise.

1)  Minute Men merkins Single ct

Benjamin Bear crawls down and back
2)  Declaration Derkins Single
John Quincy Adams (crab) Crawls D&B
3)  Victory V ups Single
Liberty Lunges D&B
4)  Star Spangled Squats (w/ burst)

American Hammers x 13
Lexington leg climbs x 13
Philadelphia flutters x 13 (on stomachs)

WOD was to listen to Johnny Cash’s rendition of The Ragged Old Flag from youtube


We then pledged our allegiance to the flag and had prayer requests and closed with prayer.

Moleskin: Continue to pray for our country and our leaders (like them or not).  That same freedom we hold dear allows for all kinds to have a say.  Pray that we are able to hold that flag together.





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