QIC:  Powder

So YHC had not been to Granite Falls recently but they are killing it over there so I was excited about Qing the 5 mile run. I even pulled a Cousin Eddie and woke up at 3:30am and couldn’t go back to sleep, afraid I was going to miss my alarm. YHC was also excited because I had the Q before it was announced that Abraham was doing his “Parade of Horribles” and was going to be at Slingblade. So YHC thought all Tuesday evening about what to say before the run to honor a great man and his leadership in the Catawba area, finally coming up with some good quotes on leadership.

5:15 am-So here all the PAX stood in the square but no Abraham. YHC was thrown off because Abe is never late. So after a few more minutes Jordache called Abe and he said “I will be there at 5:30, isn’t that when it starts??” So YHC went ahead and did the count off/ name off… but what about the WOD that was especially for Abraham? “Well I guess we better go ahead and do it” the PAX said so YHC complied.

~5:23am- The good ole white truck pulls in and everybody is ready to see Abraham for his last Wednesday run. 1 min passes then another, “what is he doing?” (He didn’t have his shoes on yet). Here he comes with apology “I don’t know what I was thinking it starting at 5:30 am” It is ok Abe we are just glad you came to run with us.

And off we went. Route was down Duke St all the way to the Rhodhiss Bride, cross over to Burke County then head back up that nasty hill. YHC didn’t think that it would be a busy road at 545 but boy was he wrong. YHC was trying to do something more simple than getting lost in neighborhoods, like the last time he Q’d at Slingblade. Out and back was 4 miles and if you wanted to get a little more we went across 321 around the Concord Baptist Church and back to make 5.6 miles.


“If your actions inspire other to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams

“Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal or any goal.” Vince Lombardi

After the run I expressed to Abraham my appreciation for what he has done. I told him I exercised before F3 but I never got the enjoyment that I do now. It is about the 11 men that got up and decided to go run together, about the guys who rode to Granite just to run with Abe one more time before his move and the leadership that he has helped build with all of the PAXs across all AOs. Fitness, Fellowship and Faith!

Thank you Dr. Reynolds! This isn’t goodbye by any means because we all expect to see you for P200, BRR Ultra and many more events.

One more thing….. Go TIGERS!!!



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