QIC:  Publix

Due to IBEX (for those dang runners) and Abraham’s Parade of Horribles which took him to The Mount, I figured numbers would be pretty low this morning; and I was right, we had a total of 8 studly PAX post.


Side Straddle Hops x 20 IC

Alternating Toe Touches x 15 IC

High Knees x 15 IC

Merkins x 20 OYO

The Thang:

We moseyed from the AO over to the Lowes Foods Park and paired up:

Partner 1 did Squat Jumps, 10 each cycle

Partner 2 did Pull Ups, 10, 8, 6

We then Moseyed down the road and over to the block pile, where we kept our partners.

Partner 1 ran to the bottom of the hill at the end of the block and while the other partner did exercises in the lot until their partner returned, and then switched. Cycles continued until all PAX had done all the following exercises:

Block Curls

Block Bent Over Rows

Block Overhead press


Kettle Bell Swings with Blocks

Once everyone completed these cycles we moseyed over to the corner near First Baptist for a little 4 corners around the block. At each corner we stopped and did the following exercise before continuing to the next corner around the block:

Hands off merkins x 20, then 15 on 2nd lap

WWII situps x 20, then 15 on 2nd lap

Diamond merkins x 20, then 15 on 2nd lap

Monkey Humpers x 20, then 15 no 2nd lap

We then moseyed back to the AO for the contoff, name-o-rama and WOD.

WOD came from Like 4:18 -19. Just as God had a mission statement that he lived out here on earth everyday so should we. We should define “our mission statement” and strive to live it out everyday we are given here on earth.



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