300. 6/17/17  VQ

8 PAX on hand today to get WASHed.  There has been a lingering smell throughout the week that we couldn’t shake. Something like Icy Hot, Ben Gay or Asspercream was quite abundant.  We needed a rain workout but no dice this week.  I look forward to the PAX continuing to WASH for the greater good, at least once a week.  Some of us needed it after a 7UP!!!

Tha PAX – Crop Duster, Cast Away, Assid, Bogey, Twig, Banjo, Utter Butter

Welcome,  Disclaimer, No FNG’s

Little Arm Circles 10 at Each Position Low, Middle, High and Front – Forward & Backwards

Catcher Squats 10x IC
Hillbillies 10x IC
Humpy’s 10x IC

Mozzy to Cafeteria
Side Straddle Hop 20x IC
Peter Parkers 10x IC

Mozzy to Block Pile and Pick Up 2 Brick Coupons
Bricker With ALL Exercises

Mozzy to 1st Parking Tier
Butt Kicks
High Knees

Parking Lot in front of Stadium

Clock Merkins 5x OYO, At 3,6,9,12 O’Clock

1st Round AMRAP – W.A.S.H
American Hammers
Partner is jogging to post and back

1st Round ATM’s
Plank Position
Shoulder Tap 10x IC
Tempo Merkins 10x IC SLOW
Fast Merkins 10x – OYO

2nd Round AMRAP – W.A.S.H
American Hammers
Partner Sprints to bottom and back

2nd Round ATM’s
Plank Position
Shoulder Tap 10x IC
Tempo Merkins 5x IC SLOW
Fast Merkins 5x – OYO

Mozzy to Bottom Parking Tier

Zombie Walk
Backwards Jog
Bear Crawl

Mozzy to Curb
Bricker-Butkus 3x 30sec OYO

Return Coupons
Mozzy to Bermuda Triangle

3rd Round ATM’s
Plank Position
Shoulder Tap 10x IC
Tempo Merkins 5x IC SLOW
Fast Merkins 5x – OYO

3rd Round AMRAP – W.A.S.H
American Hammers
Partner Sprints around Bermuda Triangle

4th Round AMRAP – Reverse W.A.S.H
American Hammers
Partner Sprints around Bermuda Triangle

Ring of Fire
10x Choice from Each

Mozzy to Flag

Extra Credit

4th Round ATM’s

Plank Position

Shoulder Tap 10x IC
Tempo Merkins 10x IC SLOW
Fast Merkins 10x – OYO


“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from Godʼs sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4:12-13‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Prayer Request for Fathers Day with extended family, injuries and many unspokens.



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