QIC:  Publix

So I was hanging out with the fellas at our 2nd annual F3 Hickory lake day when Cousin Eddie lobs out there “So who’s gonna take my Q at The Mount this Tuesday?”, and the response from everyone standing around….crickets (apparently I was the only one that didn’t have my selective hearing turned on). So I gladly volunteered to substi-Q for Cousin Eddie so he didn’t have to Q in 2 places at once. So here’s what I came up with late Monday night:


Side Straddle Hops x 20 IC

Alternating Toe Touches x 15 IC

High Knees x 14 IC

Butt Kickers x 15 IC

The Thang:

Started out with an indian run around the office park, probably about half mile. About half way through some PAX were struggling so we stopped and did 15 LBC’s IC, then continued back to the blocks near the AO flag.

Set up 10 pain stations in the parking, using blocks where appropriate. The stations consisted of:

Overhead Press w/ Block

Goblet Squat w/ Block

Bench Press w/ Block


Curls w/ Block

Imperial Storm Troopers

Side Lunges

Skull Crushers w/ Block

Kettle swings w/ Block


Everyone started at a station and we started the tabata countdown, exercise for 60 seconds, rest for 30 seconds as you move to next station. We did cycles of 5 stations at a time, then moseyed to the end of the parking lot, did some abs (Flutter Kicks after cycle 1, dying cockroach after cycle 2) then back to the pain stations for another cycle of 5 stations.

We completed about 3.5 cycles before our time ran out.

We then cleaned up the blocks and stations and circled up near the AO flag for count off, name-o-rama and the WOD.

Word of the Day was from Joshua 1,1:9

Moleskin: Apparently Has Been just returned from Disney so he was feeling the pain (both from the workout and in his wallet after footing that Disney bill). Also, found out that apparently Dough Boy reads Women’s Health, “For the Articles” and was upset that the lady demonstrating a tabata workout from his latest issue wasn’t there to guide him through our workout (He claims he said Men’s Health after I questioned him??). Overall, think it was a good time had by all, glad the PAX allowed me to come down and lead a workout with them.



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