QIC:  2 Ply

Well this Q decided that on this Memorial Day we would change things up and play a little card game.  Oh, and by the way, I took the Jokers out.  Or should I say, 5 Jokers (plus me) showed up for a little beat down.

Here’s how the evening went:

Warm-ups – x 15 reps:

  • Side-straddle hops
  • Windmills
  • Alternating toe touch
  • Humpies
  • Little arm circles

Moseyed to field across from First Baptist Church where this Q was busy before the fun began setting up the card game, cones, etc.  What are the cones for?  You’ll find out in a minute.  Paula Deen – is that sheet laminated? (he knows me too well).  Of course it is.  That way I can save it for a future beat down.  Watch out Lenoir!!!

Hey where did Two-stroke get to?  Oh, he’s talking to a local police officer – probably got arrested for something.  Oh well, we need to begin.

On a table was a deck of 52 cards.  Each suit represented a particular exercise (listed on the laminated sheet taped to the table with none other than Duct tape).

  • Hearts – Suicides – now you know what the cones are for
  • Diamonds – Merkins
  • Clubs – LBC’s
  • Spades – Squats

Each card represents the number of reps to be performed (also listed on the laminated sheet).

  • 2 = 2 reps, 3 = 3 reps, 4 = 4 reps, etc. up to 10
  • Jack = 11 reps
  • Queen = 12 reps
  • King = 13 reps
  • Ace = 14 reps

Each PAX would come up, draw a card and announce the exercise and number of reps.  We were unable to complete the entire deck (11 cards left) in the allotted time and yet we only took 2 – 10 second count breaks.  Had we been able to complete the entire deck, we would have completed 104 reps of each exercise.  Crop Duster commented how time really flew by (didn’t seem that way during the suicides).

Time was almost up and we moseyed back to the starting point.  A big thank you to all of the PAX who helped the Q gather up all of his goodies and carry them back to the car.

Count off and name-o-rama.

Word of the Day: Acts 20:24 –   However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.

  • God’s
  • Riches
  • At
  • Christ’s
  • Expense

Reminder that there is absolutely nothing we can do to guarantee our place with our Savior.  He’s already paid the ultimate sacrifice and won that Victory for us.  We do, however; want to do good works as a direct result of what God has done for us.  We shouldn’t forget our main focus – share the Good News with others.

We then took prayer requests: Pippy’s family (mother), Erin Sipe -Breast  Cancer that has metastasized to her liver.  Sorry guys, I forgot the other one, but I know it was someone’s father.

It’s always my privilege and honor to lead this “Granite Strong” (1 “Lenoir Strong”) group of men in honoring God with our desire to take care of the temples he gave us.  Just a side note that 8-Way posted later.  He is down to 235 pounds – not sure where he started, but to see the difference now and the first time I saw him @ 300 some months back, is truly amazing.  None of these workouts are easy for any of us, but to see this “Man of God” give it all he has is truly an inspiration to me. Keep up the good work 8-Way!!

Until next time – 2-Ply out.







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