QIC:  Double Bogey

Back To The Future is and will always be my favorite movie. Just the concept of time travel shakes me to my core even though I know it’s impossible.  I was very excited to hear that I can order a Flux Capacitor at O’Reilly Auto Parts but very sad that I could not pick up uranium.  I mean, come on man, thats what makes time travel possible.  Doc. Emmit Brown says so.  Well… I didn’t have any if the stuff that I need to take the PAX back in time, but I did have a Bluetooth speaker and a smart phone.  I’ll explain more down in the BB.

WARMUPS: SSH ICX15, Smurf Jacks ICX15, Plank Jacks ICX15, Plank Dips ICX15, Little Arm Circles (forward and reverse) ICX15

After warning up, we ran to the Police Station and did 20 Calf Raises on their steps.

We then ran to a huge parking lot at a church and did a Burpee Ladder.  We started off by doing 10 Burpees then took a lap around half of the parking lot.  Then 9 Burpees and another lap until we got down to doing 1 Burpee.

We lined up for an Indian Run and ran back to the A/O.  One of my favorites.

This is where we went back in time to the 80’s and late 90’s with my phone and a speaker being our time machine.  Our first stop was in the 80’s when Phil Collins came out with his hit “In the Air Tonight.”  We had the privilege to Plank the entire song.  Hence the name “In the Plank Tonight.”

Our next stop was to see Chumbawampa as the played their hit song “Tubthumper.”  We were very excited to show them our SSH through out the song except when we heard them sing “I get knocked down, but I get up again” we did our famous Burpees.  When we weren’t doing Burpees, we were doing SSH.  

Our last stop was to see Drowning Pool and hear their hit song “Bodies.”   We only had a few minutes on this one.  We started off in a Plank position and when he heard “Let the bodies hit the floor” we Donkey Kicked.  When we heard “1,2,3,4” we did Merkins.  We headed back to the future for the COT.

COT:  1st Corinthians 12:4-13

This section of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians church is about unity and diversity also about serving the common good together and being instruments of God’s grace.  The overall message is that God is in control. It is His church not yours or mine; they are always His gifts for the common good, gifts given for service. He gives them as He determines, and He gives them primarily for the benefit of others. Too often people talk about, “My Gifts, my ministry, my vision.”  It is a dangerous path to start on because verse 7 is clear.  It says “now to each one the manifestation of the spirit is given for the common good.”  What gifts has the Lord given to us?  Are we using His gifts for the common good or are we (like the disobedient servant and one of Jesus’s parables) are we burying the gifts and not putting them to use?

I want to thank all PAX for your hard work in this workout.  We don’t get up for easy.

Double Bogey out.


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