Conditions: 64F and rain

The Thang:
3 faithful returned to Star this morning for some fun in the rain. YHC heard mumblings of PAX being sick or traveling so he must assume that the rest were all snuggled down in their warm beds (#Fartsackers). As the clock struck 0530, the three amigos rolled out.

Form up in COP for warm up IC
20 X ATT
20 X SSH
20 X Hillbillies
20 X Peter Parkers
20 X Parker Peters
20 X Mt. Climbers

Mosey to the left side of Lowes for BLIMPS
Burpee’s X 5
Lunges X 10
Imperial Storm Troopers X 15
Merkins X 20
Plank Jacks X 25
Squats X 30

Each exercise followed by a sprint of (~75yds.) down and back. After sprinting back to the starting point, the PAX performs the next exercise until reaching the letter S. The PAX then reverses the pattern, until reaching the letter B.

Mosey around the back of Lowes and into the front parking lot for Tabata
30 sec exercise and 20 sec rest
Pistol Squats R
Pistol Squats L
Star Jumps
Mogul Jumps

Mosey back to Star parking lot for Mary IC
20 X Rosalitas
20 X Flutter Kicks
20 X Jimi Hendrix
20 X American Hammers
20 X Hanoi Janes (L)
20 X Hanoi Janes (R)

Great effort by Part-time and Stonewall this morning! It was a privilege to lead you men through the gloomy rain. Plenty of mumblechatter about the USMC MudRun and 10K that we participated in this past weekend.

1 Corinthians 16:13-14 (NIV) – Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.

YHC mentioned that he is thankful for the One who gives us the power to stand firm, be strong and courageous, and to love, for he knows he cannot do this on his own.

Regardless of the numbers, and as always, it was an honor to lead.



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