QIC:  Abraham

There was blood alright. You can still see it on the bricks on the square downtown. Let us explain.
This whole thing was Taz’s fault. Taz was scheduled to Q Howitzer this morning but went and hurt himself and is on the DL with a torn meniscus. So, he put out a plea for as substi-Q and YHC answered the call. Now if Taz had been there maybe he wouldn’t have called for box jumps. And if there had ben no box jumps the Fuzzy Balls would not have slipped. And fallen into the brick planter. On his shin. And busted it open to the bone (yep, all the way to the bone). And left the workout. And gone to the ER. And got multiple stitches. All because Taz tore his knee up last week. See, Taz’s fault.
(that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it)
Poor old Fuzzy. He really did get hurt. YHC talked to him later in the morning. He was in the tennis coach’s office at L-R, with leg elevated and in a fairly good mood. But he is hurting. It was a pretty bad crash landing. He was right beside YHC when he went down. His shin took the full impact of the fall when his foot slipped. It had to hurt.
Sorry it happened Fuzzy and heal up quickly. We know you and Taz with both be on the DL for awhile. We’ll miss you while you’re out.
Oh yeah, we did have a workout.

The Thang
Began with a slow mosey around the downtown block through that little alley that parallels the square. Stop back at the now infamous brick planters for instructions.

20-15-10 Workout (stolen from Splinter in F3 Columbia)
3 sets of 3 different exercises. 1st set, 20 reps. 2nd set, 15 reps. 3rd set, 10 reps

Box jumps, step ups, squats
run around the block (about 350m)
SSH for the 6

Incline merkins, decline merkins, tricep dips
run around block
lunge for the 6

In &amp, Outs, WWII sit ups, flutter kicks
run around block
plank jacks for the 6

burpees, ISTs, mtn. climbers
run around the block
LBCs for the 6

Little bit of time left so . . .
LAC X 20 in cadence
RAC X 20 in cadence
Air presses X 20 in cadence

YHC quoted from Philippians 3:12-14
“12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
Closed with a prayer for this bunch of sweaty, smelly sinners who are doggone near worthless except for, Except For, EXCEPT FOR . . . the fact that God has loved them and redeemed them and called them to be His people on mission for Him, clean and strong and courageous and fit to carry on the ministry that God’s on Son began.

This was a tough workout because, YHC confesses, Splinter came up with it. Splinter, #2 son in the Reynolds birth order, kinda has a knack for hurting people. So, when trying to come up with some pain for the local Hickory PAX YHC looks up Splinter’s most recent Q and there you go.
You can thank me later.



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