QIC:  2 Ply

Thanks to Twig double-booking himself, 2 Ply got the nod to Q @ Lenoir this morning.  Hey Twig, think they wish you would have been there.

10 PAX posted in Lenoir this morning and 2 Ply was privileged to welcome an FNG (Tank) to the workout.  Sorry my friend you had to show up for this one, but hang in there.

Here’s the low-down:

Warm-ups – x 15 reps

  • Side straddle hops
  • Humpies
  • Alternating toe touches
  • Windmills
  • Little arm circles (both directions)

Moseyed around the block for an additional warm-up, then

“SUPER 21’s”

Here’s the gist of how this works:

  • 1 Merkin immediately followed by 1 WWII Sit Up, then
  • 2 Merkins immediately followed by 2 WWII Sit ups

Get it now – all the way up to 21.  Substituted LBC’s for WWII sit-ups @ the 13 count

  • after 11 of each, 10 second count followed by 21 squats
  • after 13 of each, 10 second count followed by 21 monkey humpers
  • after 15 of each, 10 second count followed by 21 squats
  • after 17 of each, 10 second count followed by 21 merkin hammers
  • after 19 of each, 10 second count followed by 21 squats
  • Finished up with 20 & then 21 of each Merkins followed by LBC’s

(Whew, glad that’s over, getting a little hard to single count)

Had a little time left, so we threw in 21 dying cockroaches & 21 imperial storm troopers

Had count-off, then name-o-rama.  It’s always a pleasure to have an FNG as the various names get thrown into the mix.  Welcome again “Tank”.

Word of Day (Ephesians 2:10) – For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Discussed that God created us as individuals and although we look different on the outside, it’s what’s inside of us that really matters.  The passage reminded this Q of the Mandisa song that says we are unfinished and God is still working on us.  We are all important and it is up to us to let the light inside us shine brightly to all of those we come in contact with on a daily basis.

Thanks Lenoir for allowing me the opportunity to share this morning with you.  It’s always a pleasure leading a group of Godly men who are working hard to take care of God’s temples (our bodies).  Until our paths meet again,

2 Ply out!!!





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