QIC:  Two Stroke

YHC been walking Granite Falls, singing after dark, people think I’m crazy, I’ve been stumbling on my feet, shuffling through the street, ask me people, what’s the matter with you boy…sometimes I want to say to myself, sometimes I say, why don’t we have a F3 night workout…

That’s right, a workout, at night, after work, not to early, not to late, just right. No more excuses.  This is the idea we the men of Granite Falls had one morning while stuffing our faces with scrambled eggs and bacon at our coffeeteria after a Saturday morning beat down a month ago.  The point of this workout, to attract all those men who have had the urge to workout with us and have succumbed to the comfort of the ole fartsack over and over again. No more says YHC, let’s build it and they will come, in theory.  So we did, we started SoCal, our Monday evening workout. Here’s how it went:

Warm-Up: SSH 20IC, Humpys 15IC, Windmills 15IC, Hairy Rocketts 15IC, IST 10IC, Hillbillys 10IC, uncle Carls 10IC, Chinooks 10IC, Arm Circles 10IC…

Mosey around behind buildings to our blocks for a partner blurkout (block plus work=blurk(in theory)) partner 1 curls AMRAP, partner 2 bearcrawl up hill to sidewalk then run round building back to partner 1, switch. #1 overhead press AMRAP, #2 crabwalk to sidewalk and run round building, switch. #1 rows AMRAP, #2 broadjump to sidewalk run round building, switch. #1 Benchpress, #2 Lunge walk to sidewalk run round building, switch. #1 Block burpees AMRAP, #2 run all the way round building, switch.  put blocks to bed for the evening, it is night time.

Mosey down to flick and back up behind buildings to bank wall for some shoulder pain.

At wall, Incline merkins 10IC, decline merkins 10IC, Plank merkins 10IC, itsy bitsy spider 10IC, mtn climbers 10IC, rinse and repeat…boy howdy…

Mosey back to flag by way of the back streets…

Squats 20IC, kaitlyn jenners 15IC, LBC 15IC, superman 30sec, flutter kicks 15IC, freddy mercurys 15IC, superman 30sec..

Finish out last 2mins with SSH, turn those legs to noodles.

COT: We have to be intentional about taking the time to spend with our Father in Heaven, and with our families.  Don’t Blink, it will be gone before you realize it.  That’s the case with anything, especially our time.  That’s why we have to be intentional about our priorities, and how we take the time for them.


Two Stroke



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