QIC:  Friar

It’s amazing what kind of completely stupid and utterly pointless (#CSAUP) exercises/workout you can come up with when you have a little time on your hands and start reading random backblasts from other regions and start poking around in the good ole lexicon! I had warned the PAX the night before we were going hunting and 6 fearless HIM’s showed up for the hunt. Here is how it went:

Circle of Pain

  • 1 legged SSH ICx10/leg (Thanks to someone in CLT Metro for this; can’t remember your name but I’m glad you live in Charlotte and not Hickory!)
  • IST ICx10
  • LAC ICx10 & Rev. LAC ICx10
  • Suzanne Sommers ICx10 (Nothing quite like seeing grown men act like ballerinas first thing)
  • Stump Huggers ICx10
  • Alabama A$$ Kickers ICx12
  • Little Leg Circles ICx5/leg

Mosey up Harper Ave to the three brick flower planters

  • Jumping Box Squats OYOx15
  • Box Jumps OYOx15
  • Step-Ups ICx10

Continue mosey up Harper to Walgreens Parking Lot

  • Bearpees (1:4 ratio of burpees : bear crawl; 1:4, 2:8, 3:12, 4:16, 4:16, 3:12, 2:8, 1:4)
  • Partner Up
    • P1 begins doing LBC’s
    • P2 DUCK walks to light pole, performs 10 Carolina Dry Docks, reverse BEAR crawls half was back, jogs rest of the way.
    • Flap Jack
    • Round 2 rinse and repeat; reduce CDD to 8

Mosey up Mulberry through a sketchy parking lot with the prettiest port-a-johns around (even better than SMR Cousin Eddie!) up Main to stage area where concerts are performed.

  • Jack Webbs (10 rep ladder; 9 Merkin, 1 Overhead Presses, 8 M’s, 2 OHP, etc. all the way to 1 M and 9 OHP)
  • COPPERHEAD Squats ICx10
  • COPPERHEAD Merkins ICx10
  • Pickle Pounders ICx10
  • Jane Fondas/Reverse Pickle Pounders ICx10 (basically lay on your back and thrust upward)
  • GORILLA Humpers ICx10
    • Side note from YHC: the PAX seemed all too natural to these last three exercises; no wonder we seem like a pack of Mormons when we count up all the 2.0’s!

Mosey back to the shovel flag

  • WWII Sit-ups ICx10
  • Pretzels ICx10/side


  • 1 Corinthians 16:13-14; one of my favorites I use at least once at every A/O I Q. Let’s “ACT LIKE MEN”.
  • Prayer
  • Roll Out!



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