QIC:  Cropduster

I’m doing this from memory y’all, because I was #weinkeless today.  The conditions were PERFECT for a workout today in Mountain View.  YHC arrived early, scoped out the AO as he just wanted to refamiliarize himself with it.  While doing he say Sweet Heat running and he spotted a big tire and thought of using it in the workout.  We did this stuff:

Circle up near the Shovel Flag for introductions to self and to the day.  Then mosey down the way a bit and stop for this:

  • SSH x 10 IC
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Squats – yes good form!
  • The Merkin x 5

Partner up, then carry your partner down the way a bit.  In Hickory we used to do this all the time, now not as frequently.  I’ll just say that Steam Engine is stout, but I carried his bad self all the same.

Indian Run #crowdpleaser to the right of Trinity Ridge to the back parking lot:

  • Curb Jumpers
  • Lunges – we did them somewhere, but I don’t think it was here
  • Merkins on the curb x 5

Mosey up the hill to Walgreens, or is it CVS or maybe Rite Aid – they all look alike:

  • Incline Merkins on the guard rail
  • Decline Merkins on the guard rail
  • Tricep dips on the guard rail

Follow the Cropduster as we slalomed between the upright parking barriers – working on our agility.  The Mount Men want to be ready for the next game of Ultimate.  We ended up in the grassy field in front of the drug store sign – everything is now $2.99!

  • DCR x 15 IC
  • Freddie Mercuries x 15 IC

Partner Carry – this time Flip/Flop with partner from the previous carry.  Steam Engine carried me like a true wrestler.  #nohelicopterspins

Agility Training Repeato – slalom course

We moseyed to the BIG A$$ Tire by the street.  I had intended for us to FLIP the B.A.T. but the 8 of us thought better of it, so we did this:

  • Incline Merkins on the B.A.T.
  • Step Ups on the B.A.T. #crowdpleaser
  • Decline Merkins on the concrete barriers

Mosey to the back of the Rexall Pharmacy (or whatever the heck it is!):

  • Ski Jumps over the line – it was like Has Been and YHC were dancing  #putonyourredshoes
  • Plank set – to include High Planks and Hi/Lo planks
  • Maybe something else – does anybody remember?

Mosey down the hill heading toward the flag:

  • Plank for the SIX
  • Power Jumps x 10 OYO (thanks to Shaun T)

Mosey back to Emerge Ortho for this:

  • Wall Sit with OH Presses, Muhammed Ali’s, Joe Fraziers #corestight

To the Block Pile for this:

  • Bench Press x 15 IC with legs at 45 degrees
  • Curlz x 15 (yep, 4 da girlz)
  • KB Swings
  • OH Presses
  • Bench Press x 10 IC
  • Curlz cuz the beach is beckoning us

We be done.  I’ve probably forgotten some stuff, but this is enough.

COT:  YHC read Deut 6:6-10 “write my commands on your doorposts, speak of them with your families, love the Lord your God with everything you have” – paraphrased.  We talked about this a bit.

Prayer Requests:

  • Steam Engine is taking an engineering test tomorrow and he is traveling today
  • For the PAX

Then I stood on my head, Short Sale captured it on his phone, I gave #HomeBoy a shoutout and he gave me a shirt.  It was a good morning at The Mount!

CropDaddy out!



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