QIC:  Steam Engine

Warm Up: Capri lap around the sign and back to the parking lot.
Stand in a line and do dynamic stretching across the parking lot and back:
Forward lunge and backward lunge
High Kick
Knee to chest
Side lunge
The Thang: Summer is around the corner so we gotta get ready. In the same line we would do a Marry exercise and sprint toward your blocks for a block exercise we did each set 5 times
15 LBC 10 Curls
15 RBC 10 Push Press
15 flutter kicks each leg 10 Reverse Curls
15 American Hammers Farmers Carry
10 WWI sit ups 20 Shoulder Shrugs
WOD: As you know for lent I gave up the Twitter. It was a last minute thing but glad I did it. I did spend a ton of time on their. During Lent I spent more time reading New York Times and newspaper articles. One that grabbed my attention was a wrestling article that interviewed Thomas Gillman. In the article he states that he deleted all his social media early on because he was focus on winning an NCAA title.He states “There are so many distractions in this world, without internet, without social media, you don’t need it. I’m not a caveman, but I don’t network that way.” I started to truly think about this how we spend so much time on the line when we could be doing something to better ourselves whether it’s getting healthier, leading our families or communities, volunteering somewhere. Next, I turned to my bible to see what it had to say about distractions and I remember the story about Peter walking on water. Peter gets out of the boat and walks on water towards Jesus, but once he notices the storm around him he takes his eyes of Jesus and starts to drown. Sometimes we take our eyes of the Lord when the storm in our life gets out of control. We tend to lose focus of what’s really important. So maybe your distraction might not be twitter but maybe something else like tv, work, video games, ect. So i leave you with this quote “Don’t let the noise of the world keep you from hearing the voice of the Lord.”



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