QIC:  Friar

So it was Wednesday afternoon and YHC got to thinking: “Why put off to May what you can do tomorrow?!?!?!” So I began the emailing, texting, and messaging to rally the PAX for a Thursday morning #PrisonBreak! The responses began rolling in and everyone was asking about doing a RAM style workout. These guys have never posted at RAM but PrisonBreak tends to be a short RAM (in distance) and Crop took us on a RAM like workout Saturday at The Den. So YHC was happy to deliver. Little did they know what they had asked for!

Warm Up

  • ATT ICx10
  • Windmills ICx10
  • Humpies ICx10

Begin Running Out of A/O.

  • Right on Willow Street
  • Left on West Ave
  • Sharp left on Harper Ave.
  • Right on Willow St
  • Left on College Ave.

Stop in front of Davenport Elementary

  • SSH ICx10
  • Jump Ropes ICx10
  • Clock Merkins ICx5 at 12, 3, 6, & 9

Continue up College

  • Right on Main Street
  • Right on Grove Ave
  • Left on Mt View Street

Stop at Lenoir’s favorite pastor’s home, the home of Rev. James Lee (YHC note: this is YHC’ mentor and childhood pastor and the pastor to Snips, Twin, and Audit!)

  • Monkey Humpers ICx10
  • IST ICx10
  • Lunges ICx10
  • Suppository will be glad to know Snips kept the volume down in the residential area

Continue down Mt View

  • Left on Pennton Ave
  • Left on Main
  • Right on Davenport St
  • Straight across Muberry to medical center

Stop at Mulberry Med Center beside hospital

  • Overhead Claps ICx10
  • Mohammed Ali’s ICx10
  • Joe Frazier’s ICx10
  • At this point a lady who works at hospital pulled in with a look of bewilderment watching us workout! What? You never saw random men working out before 6? Get used to it F3 has invaded  Lenoir!

Continue up Mulberry

  • Right on College Ave
  • Left on Norwood Street
  • Cross Harper Ave

Stop at Post Office

  • LBC’s IC x15
  • Freddie Mercury’s ICx15

Continue on Harper

  • Stay straight Street becomes Ridge Street (PAX begin grumbling about the hill coming up)
  • Turn left onto Ashe Ave (really long, steep hill)
  • Right on Church Street

Stop at Caldwell Hospice – workplace of Cropduster

  • Do I even have to write what was next? You’re welcome Cuz!
  • Flaming Cropdusters 10 OYO (10 burpees, then walk away with head hung down, Continue walk down Kirkwood to Boundary Street)

Run down Boundary

  • Right on West Ave
  • Left on Willow St
  • Left back to A/O

We accumulated a total of 3.01 miles with an average pace of 8:42/mile.


  • Psalm 8. What is man that You (God) are mindful of him? Pretty amazing that as crazy and big as creation is, He knows each of us personally.
  • Pray for an F3 brother who’s mother had a stroke, Udder Butter’s back, several men in GF with parents and in-laws having failing health.


  • The men of Lenoir are getting tougher and stronger with each post! Great job men! Do yourself a favor Hickory and Granite and make the drive up and post with us! I drive to Hickory. So trust me you can do it.
  • Though we all pick on Crop, he really is one of our inspirations. Granted the phrase “when I get that old” is usually in the mix but nonetheless!
  • Cousin Eddie we all changed our names today just to drive you nuts.  You’re welcome!
  • And as always, if you have read this you are Crop and Cousin Eddie and you should stop reading this and run up 10,000 hills in preparation for SMR!
  • Also, if you use the hashtag #PrisonBreak on Twitter you will get a paper swan in your tweet and a random woman from Illinois who is obsessed with the show Prison Break to like your tweet.


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