QIC:  Abraham

Taz and YHC are snake bit when it comes to scheduling and actually conducting a Q school. We’ve tried twice this year already and have trained a grand total of 0 PAX so far. So, about two days ago, on the fly, the powers that be at The Mount asked YHC to substi-Q, and oh by the way, how about make it a Q School while you’re at it.
Since YHC has in his dog-eared F3 folder something called Q 101, designed to teach how to Q during, not after, a workout, YHC thought “why not?”
So, after dodging the sink hole on 127 and arriving at The Mount, Q School 101 began.

The Thang
SSH X 15 in cadence
Horizontal Mtn. Climbers x 12 in cadence
Imperial Storm Troopers X 15 in cadence
Merkins X 10 in cadence
Big Boy Sit-ups X 10 OYO
Burpees X 10 OYO

Short mosey over to adjacent grassy field
Partner up
100 partner merkins – Partner 1 does 10 merkins, partner 2 holds Al Gore then flap jack
100 LBCs – Partner 1 does 10 LBCs, partner 2 holds plank then flap jack

Short mosey back to flag area, kinda. Sorta. Close enough. Circle up.
Each PAX took a turn in the center and led an exercise. The PAX followed the leader and then offered critique. What the Q did well was praised and helpful (at least we hope they were helpful) criticisms were offered. All the PAX did extremely well. It’s obvious The Mount PAX have been at it awhile.

Glory Days led something while YHC sprinted to his truck to retrieve his Q 101 notes. Whatever he called must’ve not been too bad. Everyone was laughing when the Substi-Q returned.

This was followed by a short overview of the history of F3, pointers on how to plan a workout, and other F3 core principles.

Every F3 workout ends in a Circle of Trust. YHC praised and encouraged the men and then offered some Easter-is-approaching words from Isaiah 53, “All we like sheep have gone astray, each on has turned to his own way, but Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”

YHC needs to thank you, The Mount PAX. This was YHC’s 1st solo Q 101. It seemed to go well. Give some feedback below. Heck, YHC spent all morning critiquing you, now return the favor. Seriously. Did you find this helpful? What could have been done better? Your comments will help going forward.
It was an honor to lead you men this morning.



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