QIC:  Publix

Came home from dinner with the family Sunday night after a monster nacho cheese covered burrito from El Paso and sat down to fill out my Weinke and here’s what I came up with:


Side Straddle Hops x 20 IC

Alternating Toe Touches x 15 IC

Humpy’s x 15 IC

Spider Monkey’s x 15 IC

The Thang:

We then did 2 laps of the old ER:

Mosey up hill to corner past Frye Hospital, 20 Merkins, 20 LBCs at the top; Mosey to first stairway of parking deck and take stairs to top of parking deck where we do 20 Merkins; Mosey back down the stairs and in to first floor of parking deck for 20 LBC’s; Mosey across the bottom floor of parking deck and up 2nd set of stair to top of parking deck for 20 Merkins; Mosey down stairs to first floor of parking deck for 20 LBC’s, then mosey back to original AO – 1 Lap

After 2 laps of the ER we moseyed over to the benches near the back entrance to the YMCA where we did:

Dips x 15 IC

Step Ups w/ overhead press x 15 IC

We then moseyed over to the ditch full of rocks on the YMCA property and selected our level of pain (rock) and then proceeded to do:

Curls for the Girls x 30 IC, pass rock to the left (Pretty sure half of us got this wrong, me included)

Overhead Presses x 20 IC, pass rock to the left (Pretty sure the same half got this wrong again!)

Bent Over Rows x 15 IC, pass rock to the right this time (Think we all finally got this right)

Goblet Squats (Everyone but Cousin Eddie who did curls again but he gets a pass because he was a P200 competitor, however, so was Jordache and he did the squats, just sayin) x 20 IC pass rock to the right this time (Think we all finally got this right)

Shoulder Raises x 15 OYO, pass rock to the right this time

Standing Skull Crushers x 15 IC, put the rocks back

We then moseyed back to the bottom of hospital hill where we did:

15 Burpees then sprinted to the top of the hill and planked for the 6.

We then headed back down the hill to the AO for the count off, name-o-rama and WOD.

WOD was from Matthew 26:38 – All about spending time in person with people to build real relationships like Jesus did with his disciples so that when tough times come we have friends that we can count on and lean on.


Jordache: I hate you (Love you man, unbelievable you ran in P200 and still almost lapped me when only doing 2 laps of ER, your ridiculous)

Cousin Eddie: Hey, you showed up after running in P200 so that puts you ahead of 7 other guys who competed and fart sacked

Plank and Fuse: Appreciate you fellas showing up, had you not I probably would have just suggested we go eat breakfast

Sooner: Apparently you are really fast for a fat guy, at least that’s what we were told. Congrats on beating Retread in a sprint off after P200!

Retread: Your still faster than me, if that make you feel any better



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