QIC:  2 Ply

Better late than never I guess.

8 PAX present for a movie showing @ Flick Video a little later in the workout.  First things first, time to warm up.

15 reps each of the following in cadence:

Side straddle hops


Alternating toe touch


Moroccan Nightclubs

Time to mosey to Flick Video for a little “Lazy Dora” – not quite the movie the PAX was hoping for.  Here’s out it played out:

Partnered up:

Pax 1 – 10 merkins, Pax 2 – plank, then switch back & forth until 100 merkins reached

Pax 1 – 20 LBC’s, Pax 2 – 6″ (Q stated 6″, not 6 feet), then switch back & forth until 200 LBC’s reached

Pax 1 – 30 squats, Pax 2 – Al Gore position, switch back and forth until 300 squats reached

Moseyed to Premier Health Care, reversed direction, then moseyed to blocks for a little strength/conditioning training.

4 block exercises without recovery time: curls for girls, shoulder press, bent over rows, bench press  x10 reps each, then brief recovery, rinse and repeat – x15 reps each, rinse & repeat once more for 20 reps each.  All single count, but performed with slow, controlled movements.

Moseyed toward flag to brick wall where we performed: Muhammed Ali’s, Joe Frazier’s, Push-up bras – x15 reps in cadence.

Moseyed back to flag, oh wait, no flag – Twig, where the heck is the flag???

Finished up with each PAX calling out an ab exercise x10 reps – American hammers, pretzels – both legs, box cutters, dying cockroach, imaginary rope pull-ups, flutter kicks, WWII sit-ups, LBC’s – remember Q said 10 reps, but some PAX insisted on doing in cadence. Hey guys, that’s 20 reps.

Word of day: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 – Do you not know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God?  You are not your own, for you were bought @a price; therefore glorify God in your body.

Discipline: physical fitness requires discipline, it’s not easy getting up @ 4:30-5:00 for the F3 workouts.  Discussed other areas in our lives where we need discipline – food, professions, going to Church, family time.  Discipline also requires a choice – we could choose to roll over instead of rolling out.  We need to treat our bodies like one-of-a-kind gifts from God, because that’s exactly what they are.

Always an honor to lead these Granite “Men of God”.

2 Ply “wiped” out!!



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