QIC:  Peaches

6 men posted this brisk spring morning at the Mount for YHC’s sophomore Q and first guest-Q. Since the infamous Palmetto 200 is this weekend, and Cousin Eddie got called up to the Big Leagues, I was asked to step in – an offer I gladly accepted. Not only did I get the opportunity to have my second Q, I was also honored with being called “Cousin Eddie” by one of our fellow Mt. View PAX. Though quite humbling, I knew I couldn’t accept such a compliment, but I knew we had work to do and it went a little something like this:

Warm Up (All IC x 15)

  • SSH
  • Alternating Toe Touches
  • Windmills
  • Humpies
  • Arm Circles

Mosey down the road to the gradual but seemingly endless hill on Plaza Dr

**Disclaimer: YHC is not the best at judging mosey-ing distances and the time it takes, so this little mosey was a little lengthy. As a result, some audibles were called. Also, to Doc McStuffins – I realize I said we did a run to that hill at the Thanksgiving Convergence, but as YHC thought about it I was confusing it with a hill we ran at Whipping Stick. I apologize for that, but I’m glad we got to run a new hill together!**

Once at the foot of the hill, we embarked on a journey up Jacob’s Altered Ladder.

  • Run to one of the street signs up the hill and do 10 burpees (go in descending order down to 1) – 55 total
  • Run back down the hill to the starting point and do 1 merkin (go in ascending order up to 10) – 55 total

When all PAX were finished, the audible was called. YHC really wanted to use the Mounts awesome blocks for some of the following exercises, but time and distance simply did not allow. I’d say we adjusted well.

  • Goblet Squats – IC x 15
  • Prisoner Squats – IC x 15
  • Sumo Squats – IC x 15
  • Monkey Humpers – 30 oyo
  • Incline Merkins – IC x 15
  • Decline Merkins – IC x 8 (YHC decided he had enough)

Moseyed to some street light

  • Two laps (there and back = 1) of Carioca to honor the start of spring ball for my beloved Georgia Bulldogs and reminisce on my college football days.
  • On the final lap, we sprinted to the finish.

Then the long mosey back to the AO.

  • Finish with 5 minutes of Circle Mary
    • Box Cutters, American Hammers, Reverse Baby Crunches, Windshield Wipers, and two more I can’t remember off the top of my head.


A week ago today, my M’s uncle passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack at too young of an age. His passing has been incredibly difficult for my M, his wife and two children, my M’s family and myself. Johnny was the kind of person that everyone should strive to be: compassionate, funny, and had a servants heart.

On the way home from Wilmington after the funeral Tuesday evening, my M and I stopped at a Chick-Fil-A in Cary and she pointed out a quote by Truett Cathy.

“If you wish to enrich days, plant flowers; if you wish to enrich years, plant trees; if you wish to enrich Eternity, plant ideals in the lives of others.”

Johnny understood the importance of enriching eternity. His character radiated Jesus daily.

Johnny’s death has challenged me to remember the words within James 4:13-15. Our lives are but a mist, and at any given time, it can vanish.

Jesus’ life was short. For 33 short years, he graced the earth with his presence. He enriched eternity by instilling ideals that would change the lives of countless men and women throughout the ages.

Johnny’s life was short. For 58 short years, his presence enriched eternity. His life mimicked Christ’s life. He made the most of every moment and loved people despite who they were and what they may have done.

Life can be unfair. It can be way too short. Work can suck. Family troubles may arise. Things may not always go our way. Nevertheless, we must make the most of every day, loving as much as possible, because one day, we too will be gone, but the impact we can and will have on eternity will continue throughout time. The life we live is important, and it’s all the more important because of the role we play in the work of the Kingdom.

To the PAX at the Mount:

Thank you all for letting me share life with you this morning. It was fun being with you guys and it was a pleasure to meet each of you. Sorry we didn’t get to use the blocks today. I was really excited about using them. But you better expect the next time I’m out there, that we’ll use them!

Keep doing good work!







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