QIC:  Flamer

This was my first Q at the new Howitzer AO.  There is so much to choose from at this place its crazy.  I’m still training for the P200 so do I involve more running or more bootcamp.  I chose to do a little of both.  I told Cuz I was at odds on making it hard or easier because I didn’t want to be sore for my running training.  But the more I thought about it, this is F3, we don’t get up for easy.  So lets make it hard.  So my legs can thank me tomorrow when I Q the hilly Slingblade 5.5 mile run.  But here’s how it went.


The Usual:  SSH x15, Alt. Toe x 15

There was way too much mumble chatter so I called 10 Burpees OYO

There was still a little mumble chatter until the mini blocks, retaining wall blocks, came out.  And yes I did get them from my flower beds in the back yard and yes they are a little dirty and yes some of them have some moss on them.

The Thang:

We moseyed with the blocks across the RR tracks and down the large set of stairs and partnered up. Partner 1 runs up the stairs with a block and does 10 squats partner 2 does the following:  Right hand uneven merkins (one hand on the block and one on the ground), Left Hand uneven merkins, and deep merkins with hands on two blocks with chest going past your hands (I have no clue if this is in the Lexicon).

Peoples chair with the blocks:  Overhead Press IC x 12, outward presses IC x 12 (this wasn’t easy either).

We moseyed with the blocks down the street to the parking lot with the long hill for some BLIMPS.  This is where the mumble chatter completely stopped.  Partner 1 runs up the hill with 2 blocks and does 5 squats while Partner 2 does BLIMPS (Burpees, lunges, imp storm troopers, merkins, plank jacks, and squats) in the following reps single count 20,30,40,50,60,70.  After, the round of burpees I saw a guy running up behind us and sure enough it was Jordache running a little late.  He pulled the classic, I can sleep for 5-10 more mins, and was…you guessed it a little late; 10-15 min this time.  But I will give the guy credit he started with the burpees and eventually caught up to us.  He’s ready for the P200.

The Blimps took longer than I expected because carrying 2 of the blocks is harder and more awkward than I thought.  I asked Peaches if this reminded him of his football days (because the way we carried these blocks was liking holding a football) but he said he was a center and didn’t carry the football.  However, he said they had a crazy coach and did some crazy stuff.  Maybe he should show us some of that stuff when he Q’s.

So we were running out of time so I called a few abs exercises with the blocks.

6″ while holding the block up in the air, LBC’s with a block raise, and American Hammers

Mosey back to the flag for COT.

Romans 8:6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.  I think when life..our jobs..or anything else that gets us stress and/or worried we can rest assured that if we allow the Spirit to dwell in our minds we can be at peace.

It’s always a pleasure fellas!





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