QIC:  Jordache

So, first off, it was cold! How cold? Cold enough that YHC had to drive with my head out of the window for the first few minutes of my drive to the ER! As I was mumble-chattering to myself about how much this workout was already sucking, it hit me that this was going to be a smaller crowd. However, when I rolled in and no one was standing on the corner with at 3 min till, I was stunned. Thankfully, there were 2 faithfuls waiting out the cold in their cars. So here’s how the little taste of hell went.

SSH – 15 IC
Humpies – 15 IC

– 2 laps of the ER (I had forgotten how much they suck)

– mosey over to oakwood/cemetery hill

– Start by doing 30 LBC’s at the bottom of the hill & then run to the top for 20 Burpee’s. Then make the trek back down to start again. Each time that you reach the bottom do 30 LBC’s but sub out the workout at the top with 20 each of the following: Burpee’s, Hand Release Merkins, Plank Jacks, Merkins.

– Mosey back to the flag!

So, typing this up it doesn’t read like a lot, but it hurt a whole bunch!

Mark 5:21-43
I read this story to my kids out of ‘The Jesus Storybook Bible’ last night and I was literally moved to tears. To be honest, I’m not sure of the last time I even shed a tear but I did last night holding them and reading this story. In this chunk of scripture, there are 2 incredible examples of faith as well as 2 miracles performed. Does our faith even slightly resemble these 2 people mentioned? Keep in mind, Jesus was fresh on the scene performing miracles. In the case of Jairus, he left his daughter on her death bed in a desperate search for Jesus. And when he does find him and convince him to come heal her, Jesus is stopped by someone else in need. Jesus performs a miracle and then takes time to talk. In the meantime, word arrives that Jairus’ daughter has died. Imagine the amount of faith it had to take to travel with Jesus after you’ve found out this news. Imagine biting your tongue thinking ‘IF YOU HAD ONLY MOVED FASTER!’ Yet when they arrive, Jesus simply whispers these words to the young girl: ‘Wake up!’

Do we have faith in Him when things seem to be over and out of reach? Do we believe that He is sovereign even when we disagree with the outcome?

Notably Absent:
– Kapowski, I may be late, but at least I show up!
– Peaches, if your alarm clock wasn’t set to the smooth sounds of Kenny G then maybe you’d wake up to post.
– Billie Jean, who?
– Igloo, quit your whining!
– Abe, I expected more from you.
– Gaser, I expected this.
– Cuz, I’ve seen you run, you did the right thing. Go practice!
– Beak, I’m glad you didn’t post! I would have felt horrible had you relapsed.
– Flamer, if you’ve finally finished running those 3 miles from this morning, know that I’m proud of you.
– Powder, I’m sure you had a diaper to tend to.
– Sooner, do I know you?
– Short Sale, I assume that you were out flying your drone.
– OTHERS: Sorry that I forgot you, consider yourself dead to me. (I kid)



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