QIC:  Plank

8 powerful men of the greater Mountain View community posted Thursday morning at # The Mount for what YHC has preblasted as a Morning Wood workout.  They were either crazy enough or possibly intrigued enough to show up and find what a gift from # Star is all about.   Conditions were perfect and these men came to work, here is what went down.

COP at the Shovel Flag

  • SSH     IC x 20
  • ATT      IC x 20
  • Humpys    IC x 20
  • Spider Monkeys   iC x 20
  • Windmills    IC x 20

Partnered up into teams of 2 and let each team pick there poison from YHC truck.  4 poles, each of different length and girth (no pole is created equal).  2 man team Cusacked the poles to the field across the PL and lined up at the cones for the following.

Pole Work

  • Curls for Girls      IC x 10
  • Seesaw     IC x 7   thats is all we could do
  • OH Press    IC x 10
  • Pole Toss to reverse lunge   OYO 10 each leg  (ouch)

HIghland Games Dora 1,2,3

2 man team, 1 partner flips pole end over end to 40 yard cone then returns to tag  2nd partner doing 1 of 3 exercises.

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Squats
  • 300 LBC

Move to PL for the following

Peekaboo Streets    IC x 50    What!!!

Suicides  4 station

Recover Poles and Cusack back to truck


  • Boxcutters    IC x 20
  • Flutters    IC x 20
  • American Hammers   IC x 20

Done, Pay the lady

Great Workout today, a little different but with all of these relays coming up  YHC has done enough running this week, needed to focus on a different pain.  Mumble Chatter was good probably due to the poles.  Regardless of which pole you choose, they are always tough, a little unforgiving but that is why we show up.  Great group of men, i appreciate the opportunity to join in.

WOD was from Luke 21

As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. “Truly I tell you,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on. Luke 21:1-4

Generosity is the currency of the Gospel.  Jesus saw the efforts given by there two different groups and the saw the heart in which is was given.  Give your time, talents, possessions, and money with total reliance on Him.

Prayer Request for Has Been’s brother Fred. Injured while at work and has had extensive surgery on his wrist.  Prayer for recovery and healing.  Also prayer for regained use of his wrist and hand.

Also prayer for my M’s Aunt Lillian, she is in her final days on this side of eternity.

Plank out, see you next time




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