QIC:  Publix

So the big scuttlebutt before we started had to do with the long awaited return of the beloved Beaker. Beaker has been out for several weeks due to a calf injury sustained during the grueling church basketball league. Now for the Thang:


Side Straddle Hops x 20 IC

Alternating Toe Touches x 15 IC

High Knees x 15 IC

Hillbilly’s x 16 IC

We then attempted to Mosey over to the block pile at Corinth, but to our surprise, the blocks were not in their usual location (This wasn’t a total surprise because Cousin Eddie had mentioned that we were asked to relocate them, however…., the relocate-er forgot to let everyone know where they were moved to) however, after a little snooping around by the PAX we were able to locate them. Everyone grabbed a block and headed to the short wall where we did:

Step Ups w/ Overhead Block Press x 20

Dips w/ Block in lap x 12 IC

Incline Merkins x 15

Leg Lifts with Blocks x 20

Decline Merkins x 10

Curls x 30 IC, then we repeated with a little variation:

Step Ups x 20

Overhead Block Presses x 20

Dips x 12 IC

Incline Merkins x 15

Leg Lifts with Blocks x 20

Decline Merkins x 10

Curls x 30 IC

We moseyed back to the New block location where we neatly stacked our blocks and then moseyed down the road to the bottom of the hill for some BLIMPS. We would do exercise, run up hill to sign and back to bottom for next exercise. We started with 10 burpees and went up by 5 each round:

10 burpees, run up and back,

15 Lunges each leg, run up and back

20 Imperial storm troopers per leg, run up and back

25 Merkins, run up and back

30 Planck Jacks, run up and back

35 Squats, run up and back

Then we moseyed back up the hill and into the covered walkways of St. Lukes where we proceeded to do:

5 pull-ups – Palms facing in

LBCs w/ legs on benches

Flutter Kicks x 15 IC (Some were nice and slow)

5 pull-ups – Palms facing out

Lunge Walk half way around courtyard, bear crawl 2nd half

Dying Cockroach x 20 IC to end the beatdown

We then Moseyed back to the flag for announcements, countoff, name-o-rama and WOD.

WOD was from Hebrews 12:2



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