QIC:  Short Sale

The Mount is a newer AO and most of the PAX who post here are also newer to F3. You might think the PAX here are a group of semi-committed, part timing rookies.

They are not.

The Mount launched back in November and the attendance and enthusiasm has held strong through some pretty nasty weather.

Some of these PAX have near perfect attendance from the launch date. (T-claps to that) Some have been dunked into a VQ baptism and have made YHC teary eyed with pride. These men have become quick friends and some of the stories and peeks into their daily lives has been inspiring. Some have battled through family issues and calve muscle injuries. (Get well soon Doughboy) We have a transplant from another state, (Steam Engine ) and the help and support from our veteran Hickory men has been outstanding. To make this quick, YHC would just like to say Thank You to each and every one of the men who have helped make The Mount possible.

Now go EH that sad clown who needs this as much as we do.


SSH IC x 12

Toe Touches IC x 12

Humpy’s IC x 12

Windmill IC x 12

Butt Kickers IC x 12


Parking lot lines:

Down to other end

2 squats per line

Other side:

2 squat jumps per line


Low wall:

Incline Merkins IC x 10

LBC’s IC x 10

Dips IC x 10

RBC’s IC x 10

Decline Merkins IC x 10

Dips IC x 10 (“Triceps are 74.679% of your arm muscles” ~Has Been)


AMRAP 4 Corners @ Walgreens:

Corner 1: Farmer ā€ Carry 2 blocks to pole, 5 Block Burpees (Blockees? -not in the lexicon. Cousin Eddie, are you on this?)

CornerĀ 2: 20Ā Squats

CornerĀ 3: 20Ā Merkins

CornerĀ 4: 20Ā Lunge Walks


Has Been- Curls for Gir… (you already knew that)

Fix-it- OHP’s

Scorching Heat-LBC’s

Steam Engine- plank/merkin ROF

Sweet Heat- 100 block bench press (WTH man?)

Patti Mayo- did YHC skip you? Can’t remember. (Whatever it was, I’m sure it was great )

Blocks up/mosey

To Flag:

5 Star Burpees


Name-a- Rama

Prayer Requests:

Patti Mayo: a 6th grade girl where he teaches tragically passed away after drinking glow stick fluid.

Please pray for this girls family and friends. YHC can not begin to imagine the hurt and confusion something like this could cause.

Please remove any of these glow toys from your home as well.


T-claps to Abraham for his truth nugget YHC received yesterday. After reading it, YHC knew what his WOD would be;

(Written by Phillip Reynolds aka Abraham:

Itā€™s also Ash Wednesday. Giving up anything? Ever wonder what God thinks about this ā€œgiving up for Lentā€ business? He tells us in Isaiah 58. In that chapter the people are actually fussing at God. ā€œHey, Big Fella, look at us. Weā€™ve been fasting and You havenā€™t seen us. We humbled our wonderful selves and You didnā€™t even notice. Whatā€™s the matter with You?,ā€ Ā they ask the Almighty in verse 3.

I donā€™t know if they really wanted an answer but they got one in verse 6. Basically, He says that Heā€™d like for us to give up trying to impress Him and each other and start doing what Heā€™s been telling us to do for the last 10,000 years. God says to the complainers, ā€œHereā€™s my kind of fast and humility: Loose the bonds of wickedness . Take the heavy yoke off burdened people. Know somebody oppressed by something or someone? Go help him get free of it. See someone hungry? Go feed her. Do it now. Quit these nauseating prayers and awful worship services and go do what you know I want you to do. Go get a homeless person and bring him into your house.ā€

Yeah, He really said that. 58:6-7, according to the Abraham translation. But if you think I misinterpreted it please show me so I donā€™t mess up.

Do the things God said are His kind of fast and, well, just read verses 8-12. ā€œYou will be called a repairer of the breach,ā€ amongst other things, all of which are good.

Well them thereā€™s my thought on this Ash Wednesday. Whatā€™s it worth, you ask? Nothing.

But it didnā€™t cost you nothing.


Have a great weekend!




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