QIC:  Tooth Fairy

YHC is not quite sure how this word came to mind, but in the pre-workout gloom, the PAX was bantering about f3 nicknames (@f3nameoftheday) and I had a flashback to human anatomy class from the first year of dental school.  Dr Royce Montgomery, the ornery med school anatomist up at Pulpit Hill who taught us, got a kick out of picking on any dental student he caught sleeping in his lecture.  He would stand the offending student up at his chair, pepper him with questions about the body parts we were supposed to know, and generally make it a teachable moment for the rest of the class. His favorite way to finish things up before letting the poor sap return to his seat was to talk about the squirrely feeling you get in your nether-regions when put on the spot like that.  In males, it’s called the Cremasteric reflex.  The cremaster is a sling of muscle that loops around your testes and pulls them in close.  The reflex can be triggered by the touch of a sharp object to the inner thigh or by leaning out over the railing of a high place.  Your balls want to get out of harms way.  It’s the feeling everybody got at RAM when Chaser was Q.  Now that it’s understood, “Cremaster” is the nickname YHC wants to give out the most, slightly ahead of Grundle and Gherkin.  It still may not inspire the excitement that “Sexual Chocolate” elicited, but a moment like that just doesn’t come around very often.

That took a lot longer to explain than it took to talk about in the gloom.  8 PAX, including 1 out-of-towner from Winston-Salem named Sour Mash did our best to get better.

The Thang (All IC, unless otherwise noted):

  • SSH x15
  • ATT x15
  • Jump Rope x15
  • Ali x15
  • Frazier x15
  • High Knees x15
  • Mosey to bridge at bottom of hill
  • Irkins x15
  • Lunges x15
  • Derkins x10
  • Squats x15
  • High-Lowlow Planks
  • High-Side Planks
  • LBCs x15
  • Some other ab stuff YHC can’t remember
  • Trespass Mosey through The Villages to New Hope Baptist
  • Stairway to Heaven laps waiting for the six
  • American Hammer x15
  • Flutter Kicks x15
  • Simultaneous little arm and leg circles x10.  Yep, it was weird.
  • Mosey to pull up area
  • Everybody stated their max pull-ups, except TBone, who doesn’t have one, then we went to the bars and did our max pull-ups while everybody else did LBCs.  Did this 3 times.
  • Step ups on the picnic tables x15
  • Irkins x10
  • Step ups again x15
  • Tricep Dips x15
  • Burpee/Star Jump ladder by 2s to 10 at that steep little hill over there
  • Mosey back to Northview
  • Abs until time.

Announcements:  Launch of F3 Lenoir next Saturday–No Whipping Stick workout.  Converge on Lenoir

Word of Day:  Ruminations on Job 38, thanks to Rendell Hipps (minister of education at FBC Hky). We may face all kinds of trials in this life.  Job lost everything–his wealth, his family and his health, and the Bible says he was righteous and blameless and did nothing to deserve what he got.  When Job finally tries to tell God that he felt that he didn’t deserve to suffer so, the answer God gives boils down to “I am the God of the universe, who created everything, and you are not.”  And that’s all Job got.  Tough answer.  Sometimes that’s the only answer we get too, and it has to be enough. Thankfully, we know Christ and have reason to hope in Him.



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