QIC:  Cropduster

Death, Famine, War, Conquest – they all showed up today for #SlingBlade.

Old School set the course last night – it was to be his Virgin Q.  Then overnight he got sick and texted YHC and Friar sometime in the wee hours.  Friar was sick already, so it was up to me to lead the workout.  The course was set so I had to do little thinking – that comes naturally for me.

First let me say that I have really enjoyed running Slingblade.  Granite Falls is not my hometown, but it could easily be.  It’s got it all – a bank, a post office, a restaurant, a brewery, some hills and a tater hole.  And of course some awesome gentlemen!

At Slingblade we begin with the end – so we counted off, did the name-o-rame, announcements and had our COT.


4/8/17 – Hickory Region Anniversary Convergence

3/4/17 – Lenoir, NC Launch!!


Psalm 23King James Version (KJV)

23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

These verses have been speaking to me.  I love that the Lord “maketh” me to lie down.  Did He create me (maketh) to lie down in green pastures?  Or does He require (maketh) that I lie down in green pastures?  Either way I get to do one of my favorite things:  lie down in a green pasture and watch the clouds or the stars depending on the time of day.  And while lying there, He restores my soul, which I always need!  Challenge:  Go lie down in a green pasture and be restoreth!

The Thang:

Udder Butter, Band Camp and Cropduster headed out in the rainy gloom and precisely followed Old School’s route.  He foundeth hills.  God provideth rain.  The 3 of us ran a goodeth steady pace.  (not sure why I am typing in KJV, but I kinda liketh it).  Archer Street is longer than it seems to be.  Traffic was always in the intersections as we were trying to maneuver the streets.  Hillside sucketh.  The we took West Highland to the road endeth, then we took some circle.  But right at that moment there was a fresh wind among us.  Tumbleweed, not knowing that we start Slingblade at 5:15 showed up at 5:30 and he ran down to the Tater Hole to findeth us.  We were not there, but he did eventually see our trusty headlamps.  So we found that major hill on Laurel Street and headed toward the barn.  Some of the Horsemen went longer, some were content with 5.0 miles.  Either way we had a BITG.  (Blast in The Gloom).

Good Route, Old School.  Healeth soon, Brother.

Yes, we encountered Death, Famine, War and Conquest.  We were victorious in the end!

Cropduster outeth!

ps:  If you readeth this far, please hit that “T-Claps” button, pleaseth!  🙂



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