QIC:  Tooth Fairy

This past Saturday at Whipping Stick, YHC was chatting up Abraham as we moseyed between heavy things he was having us lift, and one of the core tenets of F3–definitely a favorite of Abe’s– became a subject of debate.  The Hickory PAX has heard him say “We don’t get up for easy,” almost as many times as we’ve heard him say “merkin”, and frankly YHC isn’t entirely on board that train.  I’ll get up for easy.  Gladly.  Most Saturdays, I’m at Whipping Stick for breakfast afterwards and the off chance that Ultimate will break out.  Therein lay my dilemma in preparing to Q at ER because everybody knows, ER’s s’posed to be hard.  Hope it worked out.

Warmup (IC)

    • SSH x20
    • High Knees x20
    • Windmill x15

Mosey to bottom of cemetery hill

  • 10 Burpees at bottom, run to top, 10 Burpees at top, run back down, plank for 6

Mosey to bottom of hospital hill

  • 10 hand release merkins, run backwards to top, 10 HR merkins, plank for 6

Mosey to bottom of parking deck ramps

  • 20 squats at bottom level, then run up ramp, alternately doing 20 lunges and 20 squats at each elevator door until reaching top.

Homage to old ER

  • 20 merkins, down stairs, 20 LBCs, over to other stairwell, 20 merkins, up stairs, 20 LBCs, over to other stairwell, 20 merkins, down stairs, 20 LBCs

Repeat run up parking deck with alternating squats/lunges at each level until reaching the top.

Mosey back to grassy corner at bottom of hill for Mary (IC)

  • Flutterkicks x20
  • American Hammer x20
  • WWII situps x20
  • 6″ variations until time (approx 2 minutes)

Don’t know if it was hard enough for Abraham to get up for, but YHC didn’t want any more.



  • Prayer time and coffee after Howitzer at FBC
  • Upcoming F3 Lenoir launch
  • Prayer request for Jessie Sorrell, friend of TF, melanoma

WOD 1 Timothy 6:17-19–Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant or put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God…command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.




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