QIC:  Kapowski

Typically when you get a text at 4:45 in the morning your first reaction is “crap, what is wrong…”, but today it was my good buddy Root volunteering to ride along to @F3MtView.  YHC was glad to have the company, but was concerned Root was so anxious for a Kapowski Q.  Having taken my 6 year old @Manny with me the previous night to scout out the AO, YHC was certain there were more than enough options for a good old fashioned beat down.  Here is how it went:



  •  SSH- 15
  • Windmill- 10
  • Hill Billies- 15
  • Cherry Pickers with clap- 15
  • Peter Parker- 15


The Thang:

  •  Mosey to parking lot and partner up for burpee ladder.  With partner wheelbarrow across lot and do 10 burpees then flap jack; to other side for 9 burpees.  Alternate between wheelbarrow and partner carries while working down the ladder, plank when finished.
  • Mosey to ortho building and grab a spot on the wall.  Have a seat and hold…..20 Muhammad Ali’s………balls to the wall and hold.  Repeat cycle three times.
  • Frog jump between brown tiles, when reach a break bear crawl until next brown tile….go the length of the building, plank when done.  Go back doing the same thing.
  • Mosey to field behind parking lot.  Murkin/LBC ladder across field starting at 10.  When finished rinse and repeat.
  • Mosey to parking lot for MARY:
    • Freddie Merk x 20
    • LBC x 20
    • RBC x 20
    • Flutter kick x 20
    • Juanita x 25
    • 6” plank and hold



  •  Saturday convergence Taylorsville; Doughboy has Q.
  • April convergence CVCC
  • Doc McStuffins wife’s grandfather has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, pray for piece for him and family.


WOD:  1 Peter 5:2  “Just as shepherds watch over their sheep, you must watch over everyone God has placed in your care.  Do it willingly in order to please God, and not simply because you think you must.  Let it be something you want to do, instead of something you do merely to make money.”




  •  Lot of mumble chatter in regards to the wheelbarrow exercise.  Duly noted for next Q.
  • Same as above for balls to the wall…..
  • For those who have not yet been to Mt. View, there is a ton to work with.  Hard to do justice in BB, you need to see it for yourself.
  • Whoever said, “Don’t poke the bear” after the 25 Juanita’s was correct, yes, that was done due to the mumble chatter questioning if YHC could stop counting at 15.
  • Thanks again to Root for company, enjoyed the ride almost as much as the workout.
  • Great group at The Mt. View, YHC will be back.




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