QIC:  Friar

This morning 12 of us met together to get stronger in the cold, breezy gloom. This was only my second ever Q at ER but I was able to swallow down the nerves and got these men busy.

Here is how it went down!


  • SSH ICx15
  • ATT ICx15
  • Humpies ICx15
  • LAC ICx15
  • Rev LAC ICx15
  • Mtn Climbers ICx15

Now the real fun began when I called this:

2 Laps ER w/ BLIMPS at every stop

  • 1st lap 10x each exercise
  • 2nd lap 5x each exercise

You know you have a pretty tough workout when you hear some mumblechatter BUT you know you have an ER tough workout when the PAX are too busy sucking down air to make mumblechatter!

A 10-count from Twig to get us ready.

A short cool down jog through bottom level of parking deck, by Bass-Smith Funeral Home up and around the block back to the shovel flag.

Finished up with some time with Mary

  • LBCs ICx15
  • Flutter Kicks ICx15
  • WW2 Sit-ups ICx15
  • RBCs ICx15


I knew the fellas needed a laugh after that hard of a workout; so I had something in store!

Sir Mix-A-Lot: “I like big butts and I cannot lie! You other brothers can’t deny…”

I, too, like big BUT’s; like this one:

7 For one will scarcely die for a righteous person-though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die-
8 BUT God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. – Romans 5:7-8

Great seeing my buds down in Hickory.

Also, special prayer for Root who showed up at the end because someone wrecked into him.



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