QIC:  Fix-it-Felix

Five PAX posted on morning of the 26th for YHC’s VQ

Warm up:  – SSH IC x10, ATT IC x10, humpies IC x10, windmill IC x10, high knees IC x10 – at some point Paulie D strained what appeared to be a hip adductor. But this didn’t keep him down.

Mosey to corner of parking lot for Burpee ladder x10 jog around the island in parking lot, x9 burpees rinse and repeat down to zero

Mosey to nearby parking lot for BLIMPS in partners. One pax sprinting to edge of parking lot and back while another pax is working on: 50 burpees, then 100 lunges, 150 imperial storm troopers, 200 merkins, 250 plank-jacks, 300 squats – by this time we were running low on time and

Mosey’d back to the flag for American hammers IC x10, big boy sit-ups x10 – big kudos to Paulie D for working through the strained muscle

Announcements/ prayer requests: Our thoughts and prayers are with Has Been’s friend Rob, Short Sale’s grandmother, and fellow F3 going through hard times

WOD: Matthew 6:25.   Remembering to keep Christ first and the rest will fall into place.



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