QIC:  Bing

A lot of build up went into the launch of the new Tuesday AO, a re-energization of the old Expresso. YHC was excited to be the Master Q for this AO and the Hickory Region PAX were sharing the same enthusiasm for the new AO – all other Tuesday AO’s were closed for the launch. A New AO, a new Shovel Flag, many new possibilities for a bootcamp workout. Even better was seeing some old faces back out, some trying to return from the IR (Sexual Chocolate), and some who have been MIA for a while (Sleeper) – WELCOME BACK!

After some fanfare for the unveiling of the new Shovel Flag, we circled up under the Sails for a warmup:

Chumba-burpees (SSH’s throughout the song and ~27 burpees)

Warmup over, now to explore the new AO and get to business

Mosey over to the planters on the corner for step-ups (20 IC) and box jumps (10 OYO). There were some complaints over the height of the planters… oddly this came from some of the taller PAX?!?!

Mosey to the new playground (for the 2.0’s really, but why not us as well). The new playground was nice so YHC decide to use it just a little and try not to abuse it so the PAX paired up: Partner 1 did Incline Merkins while Partner 2 ran Quadraphelia (backwards) up the “hill” and back around the ramp and switched – continue to 100 Incline Merkins.

Mosey over to the wall near the Carolina for some wall work. Once the PAX found a spot, we did:

  • Wall Sits for 1 minute
  • Wall Sit with Muhammed Ali’s x 20 IC
  • Wall Sit with OH Press x 20 IC
  • Wall Sit with Wonderbras x 15 IC

Then mosey up the stairs to the upper level of the parking deck and find your partner for some Cliff Hanger Merkins x 10. Finished there, like YHC said – today was some exploring of the possibilities of the new AO, we moseyed over to the parking lot across the train tracks. Look what is there – ROCKS! Each Pax grab a rock for some arm work.

  • Bench x 25 IC
  • Curls x 25 IC
  • Skull Crushers x 20 IC
  • Curls x 25 IC

Return the rocks and mosey back to the Sails for some Mary (and a little something extra)

  • LBC’s x 20 IC
  • Freddy Mercury’s x 15 IC
  • Bring Sally Up Merkins (~31 Merkins)
  • Flamers x 15 IC each leg (led by Flamer)
  • Pretzels x 10 IC each leg


YHC heard a secular song recently that had a line that struck him: Shinedown’s “I’ll Follow You” has a line in the chorus that goes as such:

“The first step is the one you believe in, the second one might be profound”

Think about this in your life; with work, family, F3, Faith, and many other aspects. Some of us, including YHC, moved to YHC believing that it was the right step in our lives. For YHC and my M, moving to Hickory has been great. Think about each one of us when we took that first step, the #RedPill, to post to F3 and the difference it has made in our lives. We had to believe something would come out of it or we would not have taken that first step.

Pray for those aspects in your life where you question or may need to take that first step, then go for it. #RedPill]

It was an honor to lead the PAX today for the launching of Howitzer. it is an honor and a privilege to be a part of F3 here in Hickory. This group has accomplished so much and continues to impact our community. Keep it up men!



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