Weather- a warm 31. Great shorts and hoodie weather. 5 for the typical pre-run with great mumblechatter. 3 others showed up a little later for their own pre-run. I think that Fuse and SP are not fast enough to run with us and do not want to be embarrassed.   […]
Pull into the parking lot at 5:27, see the shovel flag standing tall, but no pax in sight.  Soak in a couple more minutes of warmth, while pax start rolling in. Exit the truck at 5:29 and head to the flag as the pre-runners file in. Disclaimer and launch. The […]
Flamer has been on IR since I think the SMR, so I volunteered to take his RAM Q this week. I sent out the route Thursday night (4 miles) but Ferdinand, Patti, and Pumpernickel still showed up to do a 3 mile prerun. Here is how things went down: Warmup: […]
This will be short and sweet….unlike the Bear that several of the PAX had run the evening before which (for most of us) was neither nor.  YHC rolled into the LR parking lot Cheeze Wiz and Jordache style right at 5:30, after having been given several half hearted sc’s the […]
It was a clear black night, a clear white moon… no that’s Warren G This was RAM. I was early enough for a quick lap around LR for a bonus mile. The Ruckers were long gone. 0530 – Circle up Warmups – SSH x 15 IC, Windmill x 10 IC, […]
5 Ruckers and 6 RAM’ers gathered on this good Friday morning for some early morning fun, F3 style. The Ruckers had already set a course North as YHC and 5 other PAX arrived at the AO. The RAM beatdown went like this. The Thang: Warm up IC SSH X 20 […]