YHC had a old Philly baseball shirt on and got some rumblings of the Philly Special as I walked up to the group, so that’s what we named this workout. Warmups: SSH, Hillbillies, Humpties, LBAC, etc. Mosey to the Quad for some 5×5.5 workouts, 5 rounds, 5-25 reps increasing with […]
The best part of the day is forcing yourself from the fart-sack to get fit and have fellowship. On a 20 degree morning the fart-sack seems to be stronger than normal but today 6 HIMs overcame and benefited from it. The warmup was the usual side-straddle hops, alternating toe touches, […]
Warmup: SSH 20ic Goofballs 20 ic Finkle Swings 10 ic each leg Humpys 20ic As we are warming up, the setting is set around 1400 BCE at The battle of Jericho. Jericho was the first city attacked by the Israelites after they crossed the Jordan River and entered Canaan. The Wall […]
The first bootcamp in the HKY of 2020 was a good one. And we didn’t run a bit. YHC has a boo-boo foot, so I promised there would be no running…but we did tour the entire body and every muscle group, challenging the balance and fortitude of the PAX. I’m […]
4 PAX decided to play in the rain at The Mount this morning.  Weather was better than it was about 3:30 when the thunderstorms rolled through the area, but it was still plenty wet (TWSS??) Warm up – x12, in cadence Alternating Toe Touch Imperial Storm Trooper Little Arm Circles […]
Warm up:  SSH, Humpies, Alternating Toe Touch-Beaker Style, Lil Baby Arm Circles   Thang:  Mosey to stop sign…bear crawl(it wasn’t that far) to the next stop sign…mosey to the rock pile. No you don’t need a rock pile yet….grab a partner….partner run to stop light come back while other partner […]
So after confirming with Publix the day before that he was definitely good to Q at Expresso, I was surprised at the 5-6 of us standing around at 0528 with no Publix… So at 0530 I jumped in the middle of the circle to put together a last-minute sub-Q. Deuce […]
Everyone has got to pay a visit to the OG.  Not a finer AO across the region.  What a pleasure to get to lead eight men for 45 minutes with some classic OG fun and some new fangled OG goodness.  A few of us started with a little pre-run at 5am.  Crop […]
Weather:  Well Powder wasn’t there so you tell me…   Thang:   Start off with some SSH, the Humpy, Alternating Toe Touch, and IST Do a little partner mosey to the bottom of Hospital Hill.  Partner 1 does 5-star jumps while partner 2 runs.  Catch partner 2 then you run they […]
Ok, so you may be wondering about that title.  Slack had a thread going about changing my name.  I have been known to bring a snack cake to a workout to give out at the end.  Most of the time, it’s honey buns or TastyKake donuts, thus the discussion to […]