Many didn’t know this before today, but Sir Isaac Newton, among many other things, was a fitness guru. This is clearly evidenced by his Laws of Motion. The 1st of which states that a body in motion stays in motion and a body at rest stays at rest (paraphrased). This […]
Weather- a warm 31. Great shorts and hoodie weather. 5 for the typical pre-run with great mumblechatter. 3 others showed up a little later for their own pre-run. I think that Fuse and SP are not fast enough to run with us and do not want to be embarrassed.   […]
Tried to roll in early to get some stuff set up. Got there bout 7 mins. Looked for the Flex mobile. Popped the tailgate and I found what I wanted. 60lb sand bag. Went and hid it for the work out. 530 came around and off we started with warm […]
Temperature: Arctic Mood: Questionable Company: Epic YHC had the q today at the Mount.  The goal was to keep everybody moving because of how warm it was NOT outside. And here’s how it went. Warm ups- The usual Mosey over to the wall for some Patti Cake wall sits.  YHC […]
The best part of the day is forcing yourself from the fart-sack to get fit and have fellowship. On a 20 degree morning the fart-sack seems to be stronger than normal but today 6 HIMs overcame and benefited from it. The warmup was the usual side-straddle hops, alternating toe touches, […]
Warmup: SSH 20ic Goofballs 20 ic Finkle Swings 10 ic each leg Humpys 20ic As we are warming up, the setting is set around 1400 BCE at The battle of Jericho. Jericho was the first city attacked by the Israelites after they crossed the Jordan River and entered Canaan. The Wall […]
The first bootcamp in the HKY of 2020 was a good one. And we didn’t run a bit. YHC has a boo-boo foot, so I promised there would be no running…but we did tour the entire body and every muscle group, challenging the balance and fortitude of the PAX. I’m […]
6 pax assembled on a foggy chilly morning at Whipping Stick AO. YHC had the pleasure of a guest Q, courtesy of Cousin Eddie. Circle up for disclaimer and warm-o-rama consisting of: SSH 20x IC, 10x IC slow ass merkins, 10x IC Mountain Climbers, 5x Good Mornings OYO, 10x WMH […]
‘Twas two days after Christmas and all through the parking lot 5 creatures were stirring for a good Retread track work out.  We started with a warm by the fire with care consisting of side straddle hops and toe touches in the air.  Then we moseyed around to find the […]
4 PAX decided to play in the rain at The Mount this morning.  Weather was better than it was about 3:30 when the thunderstorms rolled through the area, but it was still plenty wet (TWSS??) Warm up – x12, in cadence Alternating Toe Touch Imperial Storm Trooper Little Arm Circles […]