Monday am:  Body won’t let me forgot what I put them through yesterday.  Calves, feet, butt, and back all feel like I’ve been in a car wreck.  These will heal.  My pride will, but it’s going to take a bit longer to do so. An ultra marathon is nothing to […]
After completing Smoky Mtn Relay in 2017, I wrote a backblast that thoroughly denounced Blue Ridge Relay as a complete red headed step child of relay races.  One that should be shunned.  BRR should be treated as a Ginger in a crowd of normal people, if you will.  Maybe I’ve […]
Hard to imagine, but we’re already into the 3rd quarter of 2018.  It’s been a good one so far.  Lots of Pax have undertaken lots of CSAUP events.  Lots!  Interestingly enough, not lots of those Pax have submitted their CSAUP info to Cuz Ed for the Great CSAUP Challenge of […]