Ok boys, gonna make this short and straight to the point.  Took a little inspiration from Suppository’s brutal ER workout on Monday and brought a little of that pain to the mount. Started out the same…..warm ups Mosey to the street light for some OG Asheville Abs…..thats all the way […]
10 #HIM appeared in the gloom at The Mount this Tuesday morning knowing that the Q, who shall remain nameless, was not going to be there.  He forgot, failed to secure a replacement, blah blah blah.  Anyway, the weather was almost ideal although it was a little muggy.  Knowing that […]
YHC wasn’t sure if I’d be able to Q this morning after sustaining what is definitely the most catastrophic kickball injury to date.  Luckily after a week of “rest” it’s feeling a little better so we gave it a go and it was awesome to be back out with the […]
A few weeks ago, YHC prepared a clock-based weinke that didn’t fit timewise into 45 minutes, so YHC decided to take on the next few exercises in the lineup. We made it through 4 of the 12 last time; maybe we can cover another third. It’s 5:30 and seven PAX […]
This past Saturday at 0654 YHC stood in the gloom reminiscing of days gone by and thinking of the last 5 years. Ah yes, he remembered it like it was yesterday…(pan to dream sequence). It was March 2014 just hours before the start of the Palmetto 200 relay. There YHC […]
For the past few weeks, YHC has experienced some knee pain which is believed to be from an iliotibial band (IT band) syndrome. Whatever it is…YHC knows that good stretching before and after a workout sure does help ease the pain. Shoutout to our man Suppository for demostrating a few […]
Chilly, Dark, you know the usual setting for an F3 March workout.  YHC realized that he had the Q the night before so decided to go old school beat down with a classic….BLIMPS. We went in reverse order this morning since yhc has to leave early from workouts to get […]
There have been 6 ACC Tournament Champs crowned on March 7th – The MOUNT beatdown honors them!   Warmups Good Mornings Alternating Toe Touches On your six 6” Using your feet spell M-A-R-C-H-7-A-C-C Flutter Kicks The Thang Explain to PAX that there were 6 ACC championships played on March 7th. […]
  YHC planned this workout in January, for January 29th. It included 29 exercises, with most comprised of 29 reps. However, on January 28th, YHC got hit in the face with the flu and barely left his bed until the month of February arrived. Since February doesn’t sport a 29th, […]
A light drizzle at the Mount didn’t stop 7 PAX from getting up early to get better. It’s 5:30, and all of us are regulars, so YHC jumps into the warm-up. And by “jump”, YHC means “side-straddle hops in cadence”: Warm-up: 12 Side-straddle Hops in cadence 12 Humpies in cadence […]