This will be short and sweet….unlike the Bear that several of the PAX had run the evening before which (for most of us) was neither nor.  YHC rolled into the LR parking lot Cheeze Wiz and Jordache style right at 5:30, after having been given several half hearted sc’s the […]
I know, July 4th, America’s birthday, was last week, but this was the first workout at The Mount after the July 4th convergence.  5 #HIM got better on this ridiculously muggy morning.  Temperature wise, not bad.  Humidity level, almost unbearable. Warm up – in cadence x12 SSH ATT Humpy’s LAC’s […]
Man what a sight.  Hickory’s Clown Car showed up at 6:25’ish and there was a sea of cars already there.  That got ole CE’s blood pumping a bit.  Lots of flags planted.  Plenty of F3 shirts on dudes.  Speaking of F3 shirts, it’s apparently time for me to Cut the […]
HTFU:  Acronym for Harden the F____ Up HTFU 100:  A 3 or 6 man, 100 mile relay that will require all runners to HTFU.  11,000+ feet of elevation gain that starts at the bottom of a hill, includes a lap up and down Hibriten Mountain, goes through some of the […]
I’ve made lots of assumptions with you guys.  Lots.  For one, I assume that all of you know that a lot of what I put on Slack, Twitter, Backblasts, emails, etc. is dripping with sarcasm.  But not all of you know that.  Now you do.  I think I’m pretty safe […]
YHC had back to back Q’s at The Mount. After very slowly completing the Vertical Mile Challenge this past saturday, YHC knew he need more training running hills so…..   Warm Up Good Mornings Side Straddle Hops Butt Kickers Little Arm Circles Alternating Toe Touches Squats Mosey to the bottom […]
YHC had back to back Q’s at Organ Grinder & The Mount – Might as well introduce the Mount Men to the ways of the #CountryClub! High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) directly from yesterday’s beatdown at OG!…with a few added stations to suit the larger population at The Mount!   […]
We only broke one roped log at my last Q at the Mount, so I brought the 11 remaining roped logs for another round, parked my loaded truck next to the Walgreen’s at the end of a dead-end road and moseyed to the flag. 11 PAX show up: that’ll be […]
….Not talkin about the temperature, When YHC (Flex Seal) arrived from the pre-run Short Sale had “Busta Move” blaring on the bluetooth speaker from his smart phone! Many other 80’s tunes were played during the next shoulder blasting 45 min! Warm Up Side Straddle Hops Good Mornings Butt Kickers High […]
A few weeks ago a huge tree fell in my front yard. YHC sawed it up for firewood, but noticed that the trunk slices were pretty hefty and thought the Mount PAX might enjoy dragging them around. I chose the 12 largest slices (because I’m generous), adorned each with an […]