YHC used a meme as a weinke. Highly recommend this one for your next Q. Arrived to catch Arby’s returning from his solo pre-run. Three additional PAX show up and we circle up. YHC give mission and disclaimer, and we start the warm-up (all in cadence): 10 Little Arm Circles […]
First:  When I think of Hildebran, the above image is what i usually think of.  Anyone else know about the show that comes on Friday nights called “Rex Allen Theatre Presents”?  It’s a great show and Page (my M) and I are good friends w/ Rex’s daughter and her family.  […]
Browsing the F3 Twitterverse, YHC found a fun Motivator for this morning’s warm-up: Starting at 6, all PAX countdown to 1 together while doing a single SSH on each count. Back at 6 again, countdown but this time arms half-raised. 6 again, but arms remain stationary. 6 again, but this […]
YHC notified Tower PAX how awesome this morning’s workout was going to be, and that we would be playing a fun game. Four PAX (+ YHC) showed up for the fun times. Warm Up, all in cadence: 25 SSH’s 11 Humpies 11 LAC’s 11 RAC’s 11 High Knees 11 Butt […]
YHC wasn’t sure how rainy the morning would be, so taking advantage of the Steeple’s two porticos was on the weinke. Four PAX ready under the first portico at 5:30, so we start the warm-up in cadence: 15 SSH’s 15 LAC’s 15 RAC’s 15 High Knees It’s the 15th, so […]
YHC made a plan last night that included use of certain publicly-available exercise equipment, but this morning proved too wet to safely engage said equipment. No Pull-up Burpees today. Improv time! Three PAX ready for the warm-up, so in cadence we do 20 Side-straddle Hops 10 Humpies 10 LAC’s 10 […]
I know you sit at home sometimes and wonder how YHC comes up with his workouts. I know you’ve thought about the time it takes to pull off such feats. YHC is often asked “How were you able to come up with that nonsense?” or “What is wrong, are you […]
YHC still had logs in his truck from last week, so this was a bit of a repeat, but with less Yule and more Firework. No PAX from last week’s event showed up this morning, so no one knew… …until now. Warm Up (all in cadence): 10 Side-straddle Hops 10 […]
So what do you do after Thanksgiving… And good ole RAM style workout. Rolled up in the parking still foggy outside. Pax started to show up. We got out and started warm ups. Humpy’s – 11 count Good morning’s – 7 or 8 count SSH – 15 count Then we […]
Q – Flex Seal Pax – Sink Hole, Reading Rainbow, Arbys, Tattooed Swanson, Biscuits   Warmup Good Mornings Jump Rope Side Straddle Hop Double Pump ATT Imperial Storm Troopers HillBillys   Mosey to Block Pile and head to bottom of hill – Partner up for Block Work at bottom – […]