WARMUP: SSH x15ATT x15 ICWindmill x15 ICIST x15 ICHumpies x15 IC THE THANG:Mosey to short brick wall for:Tricep Dips x10 ICIncline Merkins x5 ICTricep Dips x5 ICDecline Merkins x10 IC Mosey back to the shovel flag for:B-L-I-M-P-SBurpees x5, run to portico and backLunges x10/leg, run to portico and backImperial Storm […]
Rewind t0 2018.  A man used to roll up to Star.  There would be dudes pulling in anywhere between 05:20 and 05:40.  They’d get out of their cars, scratch their butt cheeks, yawn, open their trunk to get their walkers out.  Some of the walkers were dolled up w/ decorations.  […]
Warmup All exercises were done in cadence 20 Side Straddle Hops 20 Alternating Toe Touches 20 Imperial Storm Troopers   The Thang Mosey to church and stop at each entry-way along the way -started with 5 Merkins OYO and increased by 1 each time At the church we did a […]
A wonderful muggy morning that was in the upper 60s and clear.  2 prerunners showed up, 1 FNG and 3 other pax were ready to exercise and fellowship with each other.  The mumble chatter was strong this morning and YHC just kept going until the pax realized they were not […]
Today is April 20th, which I found out last night is an unofficial holiday for some people.  Oh, well.. A few men made it to the best AO in the little town of Bethlehem to get better.  2 preran beforehand so they could start the day off even better and […]
If you know where that quote came from, color me impressed.  Read on to find the answer at the bottom.  Pull one from a few weeks ago.  It was a quiz.  Get an answer wrong and you do more reps than if you get it right.  Exercises ranged from curls […]
Conditions…..perfect.  0531 lets Go Warmup were as normal, included some SSH, ATT, Good Mornings, Hump’s, then some IST, Hillbillies, and Uncle Carls just for good measure…1 lap around the PL. 2 things YHC enjoys….Banana Pudding and Baseball.  If i could incorporate the two of them, i may find Heavenly Bliss….Anyway […]
For my second Q I thought I would sleep much better the night before having been through the fear of the first. I would have, I wasn’t concerned, but the Chinese I had for dinner didn’t allow it. Makes me wonder what was in it. Hmm  Anyway, onto the thing.  […]
We arrived to workout this morning.  It would have been much nicer to fartsack since it has rained the last week and finally stopped about 5:15am.  2 preran and at least 1 agreed to prerun but didn’t make it.  The parking lot was saturated and I think water continued to […]
2 with a solid prerun around the beautiful, sometimes Skunk infested community of Bethlehem.    4 posted for what I will call KISS.  Keep It Simple AND Stupid…Usual wamups with good mumblechatter.  Some reminiscing about PAX of yesterday…Binary also Part Time..Man I miss that dudes comments,  1 classic was he […]