Ok, YHC thought up a good* workout with a hill we haven’t run at Expresso in quite some time. It went like this: Warmup- SSH IC x20 10 Burpees OYO Mosey to some random corner after YHC took a wrong turn to get to said hill and 10 Burpees OYO […]
5 pax left the Star parking lot behind to travel down the hill to the lake, but YHC wanted to make sure Binary’s heart would not feel downtrodden by lack of parking lottage exercising. BLIMPS get old running back and forth to the same place, so the PAX did some […]
PAX : Snips (Q), Double Bogey, Baby Face, Twin, Audit, PBR, Gore, Friar, TRL (PBR) It was a good morning for a workout. Warm-Up SSH ICx15 ATT ICx15 ABAGODAS ICx15 Little Arm Circle ICx15 Rev LAC ICx15 Monkey Humpers ICx15 The THANG Workout in the Gladiator Pit- partner exercise […]
21 Men posted in Metropolis for a little fun with Superman at RAM. So my M bought a Superman “onsie” (small adult size) and I put it on and sent out a picture. The next thing I know is that I show up at RAM making quite an impression in […]
6/10 – 300 Workout 7 PAX, 0 FNGs, 61 degrees Disclaimer/warm up Burpee (5x) Shoulder Circles x20/fwd&rev Burpee (4x) SSH x20 Burpee (3x) Alt Toe Touches x15 Burpee (2x) Imperials x15 Burpee (1x) Hillbillies x15 Mosey (“Bounce”) to brick pile: “Cusak” Cement blocks to stairs Partner up “Colt 45s” (15,15,15) […]
One of the differences between F3 Winston and Hickory is that with our smaller numbers you get the opportunity to Q on a more regular basis here. That can be good and bad, depending upon how you look at it. It means you are likely to get an Abraham Q […]
Warmup: All IC 15 Imperial Storm troopers 15 Humpies 15 Alt toe touch 20 SSH’s 10 Merkins 15 High knees 15 Little Arm circles 15 Butt kickers 15 Reverse arm circles 15 Windmill’s 10 Merkins Mosey to the turn-around, to the entrance sign, then to the block pile Amrap – […]
With so many story’s we’ve all heard about the Bermuda Triangle, who would dare visit. Well today 8 brave men took a vacation there. Here’s how it went down. Preparation Every long trip needs preparation. We warmed up with side-straddle hops, alternating toe touches, wind mills, and humpys (all 20 […]
You can’t be any geek off the street, Gotta be handy with running shoes if you know what I mean, earn your keep! Regulators! Mount up! It was a clear black night, a clear white moon Jordache was on the streets, trying to consume Some GU for the eve, so I can […]
What a Glorious morning the Lord blessed us with today. It was perfect. The only thing more glorious was watching our Flag blowing in the wind, with the most epic flag topper you’ve ever seen. Banjo is a Boss…..end of story. 7 PAX showed up this morning for a quick […]
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