QIC:  Kleenex
  PAX:  UdderButter, GrandMaster, MissKitty, BabyFace, ThinkTank
  Date:  10/02/2021
  AO:  300

So, after being out for about 6weeks, I gotta admit I was not looking forward to this morning.  Yet, I showed up, and I’m glad I did. 

As we gathered in the gloom, only 6 total showed up. No FNG today, all vets.  Gotta say, F3 guys are getting SLACK in their attendance! I mean, listen guys: you can’t go 6weeks at a time you know… need more consistency you FartSackers! (Wait a sec) 

Gotta admit, it was a nice balmy 61 degrees, so muscles were already loose.  As we started, I knew the theme for today: “Can’t queue it, Don’t Do it!”

Disclaimer: none today sir, all vets.

Warm-up:  High-knees, SSH, Flutter Kicks, Hello Dollys, Slow Merkins, Shoulder Circles

Mosey to front of SCHS: -Grab a bench

Leg Press, Catcher Squats, Dips, **Rinse & Repeat**

-On front steps of SCHS:

Decline & Incline Merkins, 23 each In honor of SOUTHCALDWELLHIGHSCHOOL

Mosey to Hill:  -On Speed bump:

Freddie Mercuries, Supermans

**Thought about doing Blackjacks on the hill, but then I remembered, “Can’t Queue it, Don’t Do it!”

Mosey to Wall of SCHS:  -Pop a squat against the wall

Muhammad Ali’s, Joe Frazier’s, Ken Norton’s, Australian Mtn Climbers, LBCs, RBCs

Mosey to parking lot#3

Sprint to light pole halfway, then Backwards Run to end of lot#3

  -Slowsy to lot#2

Karaoke (left) to light pole halfway, then Karaoke (right) to end of lot#2

Plank at finish, Peter Parkers OYO

Mosey to Cul-de-sac:  -On curb

American Hammers, X’s & O’s, Rocky Balboas, Bear crawl around (as group)

Mosey to stairs (back of SCHS):  Partner Up: PAX1 Runs while PAX2 does workout AMRAP

Lunges, Box Cutters, Smurf-Jacks, Caitlyn Jenners

Mosey back to Start: -On your six

More Flutter Kicks, More Hello Dollys, Dying Cockroaches, Imperial Stormtroopers

SoundOff, Name’o’rama

Reflection: The entire law hinges on

  1.  LOVE GOD


  3. SERVE

Lean into the lives of one another, shoulder to shoulder, because we know what this kind of Love does: it breaks down pride, and builds up Jesus.  Mat.22:37-40; Mark 10:45; 1 John 4:19, James 2:15-16; James 4:6-7


-those affected by covid flu                       -our fellow F3 brothers Twig(flu), Panda(wife), TinkerBell(leg)                   -UtterButters daughter, travel                 -next 10/7 Thurs F3 Fellowship at Captains Galley 6-7pm

Always a pleasure to lead  #Kleenex




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