PAX:  Spokes, Bismarck, friar, swinger, baby face
  Date:  09/17/2021
  AO:  Infinity

Started with the usual side straddle hops, alternating toe touches and arm circles. Next mosey to the bridge on the greenway for some squat action. Next to the library for some squats and merkins. Next to the the church parking lot to some observance of a deer and some squats, followed by a series of flutter kicks at 10 degrees, 45 degrees, and 90 degrees. 180 degrees if you’re Bismarck and flexible. Next down the street to a greenway loop. There first last sprint the straights and side shuffle the curves, next sprint the straights and Bernie the curves, and last sprints and lunge walk the curves or just squat til the fast guys finish the third lap. Next a run back to the ao. Around 3.6 miles and a lot of squats. Word of the day, came from a quote about how a little pebble and create a lot of ripples in the water and how the little things we do for people can make big ripples for others both positive or negative. Lastly , we continued our discussion of banned illegal marathon running shoes. The adidas prime X if you’re interested. Waiting to see who wears a pair first at Stargate.  Amazing the conversations you can have early morning.



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