QIC:  Babyface
  PAX:  PBR, Swinger, Twin, Spokes, Bismark
  Date:  07/29/2021
  AO:  Prison Break

I rolled into the parking lot a few minutes before time. The regular crew was around and waiting to get going. A late arrival by Spokes in a big truck and Twin in a small car(completely backwards from normal) and I was yelled at to get on with it. SO, we got to it!

Standard warmup with an assortment of exercises. Not sure which, but I know it began with SSHs and ended with Chinooks that turned into Ospreys. Nice and warm? Good, off we go!

The Thang:

Mosey up to the Stargate start. Quick workout with the low wall:

  • 10 Derkins
  • 20 Step Ups
  • 10 Inclines
  • 10 Dips
  • 20 Calf Raises

Run through that a couple of times to get us really started. Next I brought back the Motivator. Start with a full SSH for 10 counts, then arms out straight to the side x10, arms by your side x10, then split jacks x10. Start over with 9 of each. Then 8 and so on til we finish. Now that the calves are really burning, let’s mosey!

Run up to the hill by Davenport. Took inspiration of PBR’s favorite politician, Bernie Sanders! But, it was determined that Bernie skips leg days, but not us. So, Bernie(backwards run) up the hill, mosey back down and then 25 IC squats. Bernie up again, down, then 25 IC lunges. At this point, we realized that we had a spectator that was not really giving off a friendly vibe from across the street, so we headed for the other parking entrance and got two more sets in, with squats and lunges each.Β 

Mosey back to AO for a Babyface signature, FALCON. Freddy Mercuries, Arm Hammers, LBCs, Crunchy Frogs, Obliques(each side) and Ninja Rolls(RBCs). Ran through that IC and it was time to call it quits.


ROMANS 15:1 – “We who are powerful(STRONG) need to be patient with the weakness of those who don’t have power(STRENGTH), and not please ourselves.”

Day 2 of Patience. As fathers and husbands, we need to have patience with all of our family in our daily reactions. Be strong, by being patient.


  • PBR is a fan of the Motivator
  • Is it the Motivator? Maybe Decimator? Speculator?Β 
  • The dude watching us from the church stairs was not a fan of hill sprints. Honestly, don’t know that I am either.
  • Twin does not like to be watched while he works out.
  • New flag top is ready to be displayed proudly at Prison Break now. Thanks Banjo!!!
  • Day 2 of Babyface’s triple threat is done. Can I make it 5 for 5 with 3 Q’s? We’ll see if I hold out

Babyface out!



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