QIC:  Twin
  PAX:  Spokes, Bismarck, Rx, Swinger, Friar, Kickstand, Twin(Q)
  Date:  04/21/2021
  AO:  Stargate

Hard to believe that we’ve been doing this thing since 2017 and I just now Q’d Stargate. Truth is…….I’m not a runner. I rarely visit this AO, so to push myself to get better this year I told the boys to throw me in the rotation. My number got called….. so I answered the bell.

Laid out a five mile route that took us down Harper then eventually to Willow Street. We ran that stupid hill up by the church(es) on Ashe then we hit Main Street to Finley.  Then we cut down Ridge Street to hit Harper all the way to Penton. Then we(meaning Spokes, Friar, Kickstand) broke off and went down Norwood street and ran a lap around Broyhill walking park. Back up to Penton then Mulberry to the AO.

WOD – Its easy to start looking like the world sometimes. Perhaps your unsure if you look like the world or not……God gave us a barometer to measure ourselves against. Check yourself for the fruits of the spirit and see how your doing with that. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. If your slipping in those areas, ask for His help to come in and get you straightened out again.


  • So good to have Kickstand back out. Dude is a young gun and a straight up athlete, this would childs play for him. That must have been his first post in over a year.
  • We’ve got a bunch of HIMs at this AO that take “no man left behind” seriously. If I’m being honest…..this is why I don’t like this AO very much……I don’t want to slow down these runners (Cuz and Medball are shaking their heads at this statement). Its a pride thing on my behalf, but I’m thankful to have these dudes out there.
  • Can’t believe that is my first Q here…….thats a little embarrassing
  • Glad to have Swinger man out there with me this morning. Thanks for hanging back boss
  • I think all these dudes had at least one mile in the low 8’s this morning. Thats impressive considering the hills. Nice work Gents
  • WOD was a bit accelerated this morning. We had some unusual suspects stop and stare at us for a minute then speed off, then some strange folks were walking our way. So we put the wheels up and took off. Lenoir’s finest always out at 5AM.

Twin out!



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