QIC:  Friar
  PAX:  Babyface, Twin, Bismarck, Swinger, PBR, and Friar (Q)
  Date:  04/06/21
  AO:  Prison Break

YHC didn’t know what to expect this morning. For one, who will show up? I knew there was a regular out with some foot problems and not many HCs on Slack. Two, YHC was scheduled to take his 2nd dose of the vaccine on Monday and didn’t know what shape I would awake in come Tuesday morning. Fortunately, I woke up feeling well. Rolled in, Bismarck was already running and I decided to get in two miles. I arrive back and slowly six of us gathered together, circle up and began. 

Standard disclaimer and disclosure of my plan. Basically, my shoulder was sore from the shot (pretty sure the lady was mad at her hubby and took it out on me!) so there would be no upper body work. It would be a lower body and ab day this morning. 

Warm up: Windmills, ATT, Humpies, Butt Kickers all ICx10


  • Mosey to Liquid Roots for some seated squats.
  • Mosey to a nice paved parking lot for WWII Sit-ups and Box Cutters.
  • Mosey to Box Fit for some lunges, reverse lunges, power jumps, duck walk up half the hill to West Ave, and finish the hill to West with a lunge walk.
  • Mosey to County Government Office for LBCs and Leg Lifts. Mosey to Side Street Pourhouse for some B2A (Butt 2 Ankles) squats and step ups.
  • Mosey across the street to the monument to put on a special show. We did some monkey humpers, Jane Fonda’s, glute bridges, Caitlyn Jenners, single leg glute bridges, and side lunges.
  • Mosey to “The Pit” Wall Sit, Penguin Crunch, Freddy Mercuries, pretzels, wall sit, alternating low to high plank 10 count each.
  • Then a long mosey to Ridge, Ashe, Main, West back to A/O. It was along the way we ran upon a runner and decided to follow him. He seemed to appreciate the company. Apparently his first 10 miles were lonely.
  • We finished up with a little more ab work.

WOD: Hope. YHC mentioned the tragedy of a young 6 year old boy in our county who was stricken in the head by a tree limb and will likely not survive this. The family has shown amazing faith through this tragedy. Sometimes, all we, like this family, is have hope. Hope when all the news is bad, when everything is crashing down, when everything and everyone else says it’s hopeless. Have hope. 



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