QIC:  Bismarck
  PAX:  PBR, Spokes, Friar, Swinger, Creamsicle
  Date:  03/18/2021
  AO:  Prison Break

Yesterday had my plan on what we were going to participate in at PB and after my PT that all changed.  Luckily, or not, for the crew BM’s were not involved although a few did comment there might have been some personal ones….didn’t ask….so during the pre run around town scoped out possible areas of working out.  Rolling in for the Q Swinger was hanging out in the parking lot and PBR was rolling in.  Soon after we had Spokes, Friar and Creamsicle.

So, 5:15….lets get started….normal pre comments and then got in to the warmups.  Started with the Lenoir favorite…Imperial Storm Troopers, SSH’s, butt kickers, high knees and Merkins….then mosey we go.  Stopped at Stargate and broke in to pairs.  Nice little hill that runs right by this AO.  Basically one partner runs to the top of the hill, does 10 Merkins and then runs back down while the other partner is working on Merkins….the breakdown here was 100 Merkins, 200 Plank Jacks and then 300 squats.  Partners kept switching out until complete.  Once finished and still at Stargate we decided to do some Derkins, Erkins and step ups.  Mosey on and found our drug parking lot for a bit of energy….nice wall to do Ali’s, Frazier’s, Hollies (bus drivers) and Penquin’s….while working on these we interpreted the images on the wall across from us…had anywhere from Friar with long hair to a robot.  Mosey along to the world of “HOPE”.  This is the lighted sign downtown….well not currently as the “P” an “E” went without so all we had was “HO”. Guess someone that that just didn’t sound right so instead of fixing the ones that needed to be they just took out the lights on the other 2….go figure.  Anyway….we had some new picnic tables and chairs to do more Derkins and Erkins.  Mosey on to the CCC to do some heel raises.  Mosey again across the street to do the figure “S” parking lot…started at the bottom of the letter and each turn had to drop and do 10 Merkins.  When the “S” was complete we turned around and stopped at each turn to do 10 Plank Jacks.  From there moseyed on to the car charging station and did a few exercises but unable to disclose what that was due to confidentiality.  Once complete we headed back to the AO.

Word(s) of the day….Patience and understanding….enough said here.

Did count off, name a rama and prayer.

By the way….saw on F3 Hickory for Mortimer where Rx was offering all kinds of energy boost but for Lenoir it’s pills in a jar…..good luck Rx and to all the other F3ers running and rucking.  

Peace out…..Biz




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