QIC:  Spokes
  PAX:  Bismarck, Swinger, Twin, PBR, Creamsicle
  Date:  03/11/2021
  AO:  Prison Break

It was 0514 and Swinger looked at PBR and asked if he was Q’ing…I looked at Swinger and noted I was on the docket…oh the gasps, “bet this will be a whole bunch of running…”  As you will read, hardly any running occurred, in fact we actually walk to some different areas.  It’s gonna be a full body day…

Warm Up (IC, of course) of the Full Body

The way we always start…SSH’s but with a twist, let’s do Plank Jack’s instead, Merkins, LBAC’s with pause of arms remaining raised between forward and reverse, Windmills, Imperial Storm Troopers, High Knees

The Thang

Abs – Slow Mosey to Doctors office near Stargate AO.  Time for Eleven’s!  WWII sit up at the bottom of the stairs, climb to the top and perform LBC.  Start with one at the bottom of the stairs and 10 at the top, so forth & so on….

Quads – Walk to the wall near Stargate AO and get in wall sit stance.  Complete Penguins (alternate leg lifts to touch heel with opposite arm) (IC), Joe Frazier (IC), Mohammad Ali (IC), Bus Drivers (IC). 

Arms – Stay at the wall and do Itsy Bitsy Spider (IC)

Legs – Walk to low wall at Stargate AO and do Step Ups (IC)

Arms – Using low wall perform Wide Arm Merkins and Dips – In Cadence with arms screaming through the dips that went to 20.

Calves, – Walk down Church St. and West Ave and slowsy up Boundary and turn into upper parking lot of Presbyterian Church.  Plank for the six.  Then do 30 Calf Raises on the stairs in cadence.

Slowsy back to AO and grab a block.

 Arms – Perform the following IC:  Curls for Girls, Overhead Press. On your six, Ring of Fire with block held above your head while PAX did 1 bench press of block…repeat all the way to five.  Then we did skull crushers in cadence.  15 second full body stretch.  Recovery to standing position and let’s go all out on curls, cause YHC hates them…30 In Cadence.  Be mindful of the back and let’s close this session out with kettle bell swings IC.

Return Blocks and had a few minutes for Mary…Wheezie Jeffersons & Dollies with 10 second hold off of ground between each.


WOD – “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.”  Romans 12:11  What are we serving, where is our passion grounded?  I ask these questions as I see my M pouring herself into our 9 year old to homeschool as she learns differently than her older siblings did being homeschooled.  It’s a challenge at times but the zeal my M uses to teach her is so radiating and such an example.  This is brought closer to home as I’ve been working from home and can hear the conversations and actions play out.  Through homeschooling my M is serving the Lord to teach our child.  This is a great example of what we are to do in Serving the Lord…practice that Zeal and Spiritual Fervor in all you do.

Prayers for Creamsicle’s M with an interview into a doctoral program and my unspoken.  Praise report for answers to prayers within families.


Count/Name– o-Rama

Spokes Out



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