QIC:  Medball
  PAX:  HeiHei, Centerfold, Gump, Dinghy, Thin Mint
  Date:  02/18/21
  AO:  The Station

YHC woke to the inspirational sounds of Dance Monkey on the alarm, rolled out of bed and checked the weather- temp:29, light mixed precip., 8 mph winds, feels like 20…Great!  Got dressed, grabbed my coffee and headed to the “study” to take care of some business. (This is a consistent ritual, as the thought of having to hold a Playing it Cool squat by the nearby woods of the Station to take care of said business is not preferred.)  Finished coffee, grabbed keys and headed out the door..WOAH, something tells me there’s more studying to be done…back to the study…anyway, I’ve got time. I only live 3 min from the Station.

Finally, out the door, shoes on, rain coat donned, let’s go.  As I pull in, I’m passed by a 5 men wearing headlamps running up the road. One yells something about start time being 5:00am…KIDS, think they know everything!  Start time is 0530…I know, cause I was there when that got decided.  Besides, when you’re the only one tough enough to pre-ruck, it doesn’t really matter when you start.  I park, throw on my 45lb ruck, and start walking…feels pretty good!

Walking alone gives you all sorts of time to think about things…”What does the mission of F3 mean to each AO?”, “I wonder if that guy that works at the hospital will ever post?”  “If  a tree falls in the woods, but no one’s around, does it make any sound?”  “Do I remember seeing my weinke in the jeep?…WAIT…CRAP  I left my weinke on the kitchen counter, and I don’t have time to get home and get it. Luckily, I have a mind like a steel trap and memorized it…gifts! So, I hustle back to the pad. Get to the jeep about the same time as the fast holes..they look pretty rested, since they weren’t carrying any extra weight on their backs.

I took out my 30lb plate to get to my 15lb beatdown weight and headed to the shelter. Making sure to put on both sets of gloves…everybody knows double-gloving makes you last longer….before your hands get wet!

It’s 0532, oops, everybody’s in place except for HeiHei..turns out he might want to think about spending some time in the study before pre-pre. Mission is recited (because it’s why we’re there) Disclaimer is given and warm-up starts, all in cadence:


Copperhead Squats

Imperial Walkers – Gump correctly called out the AT/ST as the inspiration…so proud!

LBAC (forward/backward)

ATT’s- (had to demonstrate for Dinghy..apparently always running up front makes it hard to remember warm-ups)


Thang #1 Merkin Timer

Modeled after Gnarly Goat’s Truebadour beatdown at 300 back in the Fall. YHC started a timer and declared 5 IC merkins every 5 minutes

Mosey away from the shelter. Whining ensued about rain and missing dry ground. It was hard to hear all of it as YHC was leaving the pack, even with an extra 15lbs on my back. Pax were led to a larger dry area of the amphitheater with a windbreak included in preparation for the next Thang:

Thang #2 Mary Comes First

Peter Parkers x10IC, Parker Peters x10IC, Easy V’s x10IC, (MERKIN TIMER) Box Cutters x10IC, Heel Slappers (in honor of HeiHei)  x10IC, Crossfit Sit-ups x10OYO

Pax enjoyed the dry, windless area…but it was time to head “Into the Storm- Rich Froning” (look it up, cool story)  We moseyed back to parking lot (MERKIN TIMER), continue mosey to parking lot.

Thang #3 Gorilla Runs

Partnered up. Pax 1: Gorilla Run up to first light, Lunge walk back to start, Pax 2: hold plank until Pax 1 returns.  Each pax does 4 rounds. GO! Immediately pax began complaining, partly because apparently no one can actually run like a gorilla, except YHC…also, Dinghy’s hands were cold holding plank, Centerfold’s hands were wet and cold because his gloves are worthless…don’t they know about double-gloving…maybe it’s just a Rucker thing.  (MERKIN TIMER) After 2 full rounds, QIC realized time was short and there was more fun to be had. Mosey to the lower rockpile.

Thang #4 Ground Pounders

Each pax grabbed a tw0-handed rock. As pax got back on the track and evaluated each others rocks, it was clear that YHC’s was the biggest..but no surprise, I’m used to lifting heavy things…I ruck.  Exercise: lift rock to chest, press overhead, lower completely the ground, repeat x20.  After a few reps, pax seemed into the exercise HeiHei  REALLY enjoyed it, based on the noises he was making when pounding the ground.  (MERKIN TIMER) Rocks were returned to the pile.

Mosey back to shelter

Thang #5 Mary Goes Again

Mary routine from before was repeated with the addition of Pickle Pounders IC at the end. No pax was injured…of course it was pretty cold!

WOD:  F3 has a mission which we recite before every workout (at the Station) as a way to focus why we’re there.  That’s the purpose of a mission.  As individuals do we have mission statements that guide our actions.  What would yours be? If we can dial in our D2X, then our mission will be clear.  1 Peter 4:10-11 tells us that we’ve each been given a gift with which to serve others and ultimately glorify God.  Each pax was challenged to ponder his mission, his purpose…and begin clearing away the clutter to be most impactful.

Prayers and Announcements were shared, Fist bumps passed around, Selfie was taken, DONE!


-It does suck when the pavement/concrete sucks the heat out of your hands…you should try double-gloving!

-I really questioned how many pax would post in the forecasted weather and was pleasantly surprised that the 5 HIM’s showed up for YHC’s beatdown.  Even Centerfold posted…that should make you feel REALLY bad, if you fart-sacked for the weather…he usually won’t even get his hair wet.

-Thin Mint is a beast…showed at 0430 to pre-run on his own, before HeiHei joined him a little later

-Conover Parks and Rec crew has been clearing brush and low limbs from the woods beside the park, they were laying everywhere.  Even more reason to sip on some coffee and take a minute in your study at home before heading to your respective AO…or were the branches on the trees before HeiHei took care of his business…guess we’ll never really know.

-Dance Monkey is a great song to wake up to, you should try it!

Medball out!



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