QIC:  Lip Sync
  PAX:  HeiHei, Centerfold, Medball, Diamond Dave, Jake Brake, Delivery, Gump, Dinghy, Tailspin, Good Hands, Ringworm, Smokey
  Date:  02/16/21
  AO:  The Station

13 HIM came out in the gloom for a Block Circuit, Q’ed by YHC. 8 gluttons for punishment showed up at 4:30 for pre-pre-run (thanks for the wake-up call Hay Hay) and a total of 10 for pre-run.

As an aside, we have a few guys out right now due to sickness and injury — so, keep those men in your prayers, please. We all know the frustrations that go along with not being able to do what you would like to be doing! Praying for speedy recoveries men!!

Back to this morning… As the men rolled in, we chatted for a few minutes, giving the early morning hello’s, how are you doin’s, and fist bumps.

It’s 5:30, time to go!


– Side Straddle Hops
– Alternating Toe Touches (Lance Tailspin kicks higher than Good Hands’ and YHC’s heads, and Jake Brake still struggles with the ATT’s)
– Good Mornings


The Block Circuit took place on the four corners of the Library – roughly .3 of a mile around.

Mosey from the Pad to Corner #1 — 25 squats without block

Run back to the Pad, get your block, head back to Corner #1 — 25 block squats

Run to Corner #2 — 25 merkins

Run back to Corner #1, get your block, murder bunny to Corner #2 — 25 block curl presses

Run to Corner # 3 — 25 big boy sit-ups

Run back to Corner #2, grab your block, run to Corner #3 — 25 block-ups (BB sit-ups with block on chest)

Run to Corner #4 — 10 burpees

Run back to Corner #3, grab your block, run to Corner #4 — 10 blockees

Run to Corner # 1 and REPEAT lap

Block Circuit was two laps. As men finished, waiting position was 10 SSH, 10 Merks, 10 Squats, until all Pax finished.

We had also planned to do a SOGGY Valley of Death — but we ran out of time — next time!


What are your goals in life? We all have goals! Be a better husband. Be a better father. A better employee. Be a better disciple and discipler. Get stronger and faster. Read more. Eat better. Etc..

Goals are good. Goals are necessary.

In 2 Corinthians 5:9, the apostle Paul says, “Therefore, we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to our Lord.”

How are our goals in life serving what should be our greatest goal — to please our Lord. All of our other ‘secondary’ goals should submit to and serve our primary goal.

We don’t make pleasing the Lord our goal in order to impress Him or earn some kind of special favor. I think Medball confessed to being a brown noser in school to try to impress his teachers, in hopes that he may get better grades. Did I get that right Medball?

That is not the reason we make it our goal to please the Lord. Paul continues this thought of pleasing the Lord in the next several verses (14-15) — he says, ‘For the love of Christ compels us… that those who live [in Christ] might no longer live for themselves but for Him who for their sake died and was raised.’

Why is our goal to please the Lord? Why do all of our other goals serve this goal? Because God, in his great love for us, sent Jesus to live and die and raise from the grave that we might be forgiven of our sin and have life eternal with God in heaven. That’s why we live to please the Lord!

See ya on Thursday HIM!!

Lip Sync



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